Using Recursion to get the sqrt sum of a list

 2 years ago
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Using Recursion to get the sqrt sum of a list


Ive been trying to create a recursive function that takes a list of integers and gets the sum of the square root. i've come from c# and im pretty new to haskell. I feel as though ive hit a comprehension block

i was having problems with types so i tried making an integer sqrt to help myself out, but ended up confusing myself more..

isqrt :: Integer -> Integer
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral

sumsquares :: Int a => [a] -> a
sumsquares f [] = "List is Empty"
sumsquares f (x:xs) | sum . isqrt  x | x <- xs

ive only done a little recursion and i can't find anywhere that really explains it in a way i understand

How your code is uncompilable

sumsquares :: Int a => [a] -> a

The type signature is weird. Int is a type but you are using with the class syntax. What you really meant ("a list of integers") was:

[Integer] -> Integer

You are also taking as an argument an f that simply isn't there. This makes me think that you thought Int a => was an argument. It's not. Anything in the form X a => is a type class constraint that does not contribute to the arity of the function.

Then we have:

sumsquares f [] = "List is Empty"

This is unreasonable and incorrect. Generally speaking one would expect that the sum of an empty list is 0 or mempty (that's for a more complicated topic). "List is Empty" is a String (unless OverloadedString is in place), so that line wouldn't even compile.


sumsquares f (x:xs) | sum . isqrt  x | x <- xs

I don't know what you were trying to do here, but | is used for conditionals. For example:

sumSquares :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumSquares x
    | null x    = 0
    | otherwise = (isqrt . head $ x) + tail x

Solution with explicit recursion

That would be like this:

sumSquares :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumSquares []       = 0
sumSquares (x:xs)   = isqrt x + sumSquares xs

Solution with map

Using map, it's simply:

sumSquares :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumSquares = sum . map isqrt

Tags haskell

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