美國聯邦政府 CIO 以資安理由建議安裝 ad block 軟體

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2021/09/25/10347/%e7%be%8e%e5%9c%8b%e8%81%af%e9%82%a6%e6%94%bf%e5%ba%9c-cio-%e4%bb%a5%e8%b3%87%e5%ae%89%e7%90%86%e7%94%b1%e5%bb%ba%e8%ad%b0%e5%ae%89%e8%a3%9d-ad-block-%e8%bb%9f%e9%ab%94/
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美國聯邦政府 CIO 以資安理由建議安裝 ad block 軟體

Hacker News Daily 上看到的,美國聯邦政府的 CIO Clare Martorana 行文建議行政管理和預算局 (Office of Management and Budget) 安裝 ad block 軟體以確保資訊安全:「The NSA and CIA Use Ad Blockers Because Online Advertising Is So Dangerous」。行文的文件在「Wyden Letter to OMB on Ad-Blocking」這邊可以看到,另外在 Hacker News 上的討論「The NSA and CIA use ad blockers (vice.com)」也可以翻。

有很多惡意軟體 (像是 malware) 會透過合法的 ad network 散布,然後竊取資料,甚至是透過麥克風監聽環境音:

I write to urge the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to protect federal networks from foreign spies and criminals who misuse online advertising for hacking and surveillance, by setting clear new rules for agencies in its forthcoming “zero trust” cybersecurity policy.

I have pushed successive administrations to respond more appropriately to surveillance threats, including from foreign governments and criminals exploiting online advertisingto hack federal systems. This includes seemingly innocuous online advertisements, which can be used to deliver ‘malware to phones and computers—often without requiring users to click anything. This ‘malware can steal, modify or wipe sensitive government data, or record conversations by remotely enabling a computers built-in microphone.

記得我是從 Firefox 還叫做 Phoenix 的時代就在用 ad blocker 了... 建議大家一定要裝啊,以現在來說應該都是裝 uBlock Origin,在有支援 extension 的瀏覽器都有商店可以直接安裝。


所以 Google 要對 ad blocker 全面宣戰了...

一月的時候 Google 就提出了「Manifest V3」,打算閹掉 extension 透過 webRequest 攔截連線的能力,而這個功能就是 uBlock Origin 這類 ad blocker 的基礎。 當時 Google 宣稱 webRequest 嚴重影響瀏覽器效能,但 Ghostery 的團隊則做了實驗證明影響極小:「Ad blocker performance study in response to Manifest V3 finds that Ghostery's ad blocker beats the competition」、「Google遭證據打臉,廣告封鎖程式幾乎不影響Chrome效能」。 All content-blockers except DuckDuckGo have sub-millisecond median decision time per request. 另外在 Alphabet…

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在「10 Ad Blocking Extensions Tested for Best Performance」這篇看到各個 Ad Blocker 軟體的比較。 對各網站測試了載入速度、記憶體使用量、CPU 使用率,重點應該是最後的圖: 其中最知名的 AdBlock Plus (ABP) 會最慢的原因也很簡單,因為他預設值會放行廣告,這導致了效能掉很多: If you’re wondering why the popular AdBlock Plus got low scores in some Chrome tests, the answer is simple and it’s purely down to the acceptable ads check box. Disable “Allow some…

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這下知道為什麼美國政府要直接禁用 Kaspersky 了:「Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense」。如果看不到 WSJ 的文章,可以看「Russia reportedly stole NSA secrets with help of Kaspersky—what we know now」這邊。 最近的事件被發現與 Kaspersky 的漏洞有關: The hackers appear to have targeted the contractor after identifying the files through the contractor’s use of a popular antivirus software made by…

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a611ee8db44c8d03a20edf0bf5a71d80?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor Gea-Suan LinPosted on September 25, 2021Categories Browser, Computer, Murmuring, Network, Privacy, Security, Software, WWWTags ad, block, blocker, browser, budget, cio, clare, fcio, malware, managment, martorana, network, officce, omb, origin, privacy, security, ublock

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