Design Mentorship Programs

 2 years ago
source link: https://uxplanet.org/design-mentorship-programs-89694db9f57f
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Credit: Mimi Thian

Design Mentorship Programs

And other ways for students, new grads and more to stay connected to the design community

Whether you’re just starting off your design career or a seasoned pro looking to get involved in growing the design community, mentorship can be a helpful starting point. Share and receive career advice, polish your portfolio, interview techniques and develop leadership skills by getting connected.

Here’s some ways to get started:


Audience: everyone

A platform for people to find, book and meet mentors around the world. Currently focused on Design and Product Management.

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frog’s Design Mentorship Program

Audience: current high school and college students

1. “Design Career Awareness” track: intended for current high school students, is an 8-week program that meets once a week. Students are matched with a frog mentor and guided through each of frog’s disciplines and practice areas.

2. “Career Ready” track: intended for current college students, is a three-month program that meets every two weeks. Students are paired with a frog mentor who will help them prep their portfolio for the job market.

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TechLadies Mentorship

Audience: women in Software Engineering, UI/UX Design, Data Science/Engineering/Analysis, Product Management

12-week program that provides women with personal career guidance from experienced industry practitioners as they grow their career.

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Audience: Web Designers, Identity/Brand Designers, UX & Product Designers, Art Directors, Researchers, Marketing / Social Media Managers, Community Managers, Full-stack Engineers

A diverse and global design platform bringing together designers all around the world to grow in to design leaders.

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Design Slack communities

List of Slack communities of creative professionals from all walks of life

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Designer Hangout

Slack network of UX designers and researchers who discuss trends, give advice, share stories, uncover insights, surface opportunities, and connect in-person.

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Ladies that UX (Seattle)

Book discussions, and community for those working and interested in the field of User Experience.

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Audience: creatives

Flexible mentorship through email, phone call or in person, in three, six, nine or twelve month blocks with creatives with experience as independent freelancers, running boutique agencies and working with some of the world’s top brands.

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UX Support Group (NYC)

A space for UX professionals to share the challenges they face at work and get support from other UX designers.

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Other resources

Other options to establish mentoring connections include design conferences, through your alumni network via an educational institution or professional design organizations, such as:

  • AIGA — The American Institute of Graphic Arts (communication design)
  • IXDA — The Interaction Design Association (interaction design)
  • IDSA — Industrial Designers Society of America
  • UXPA — User Experience Professionals Association

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