SQL Developer for Big Data

 2 years ago
source link: https://medium.com/sanrusha-consultancy/sql-developer-for-big-data-30122c8ceb6b
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SQL Developer for Big Data

Instructions on running HiveQL on Oracle SQL Developer

Photo by Kace Rodriguez on Unsplash

In this article, I will take you through the steps to connect SQL Developer with Hive.

By default, SQL developer doesn’t contain HIVE drivers. You can download it from providers like Cloudera. At the time of writing this article, the latest JDBC driver version was 2.6.5.

Unzip the driver. Open SQL Developer and go to Tools>Preferences.

In the Preferences, expand Database Option and click on Third Party JDBC Driver. Click on Add Entry button and select the .jar file.


You are all done. Click on OK button.

Click on New Connection and you should see Hive Tab!



You are all set! Happy connecting to Hive and running HiveQL in SQL developer!

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