Vergecast: How smart are Facebook’s glasses?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.theverge.com/2021/9/10/22666599/vergecast-podcast-466-facebook-stories-ray-ban-glasses-apple-event-preview
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Vergecast: How smart are Facebook’s glasses?

The week in tech news with Verge reporters and editors

By Andrew Marino Sep 10, 2021, 12:15pm EDT
alopez_210907_4736_0019.0.jpgPhoto by Amanda Lopez for The Verge

Every Friday, The Verge publishes our flagship podcast, The Vergecast, where co-hosts Nilay Patel and Dieter Bohn discuss the week in tech news with the reporters and editors covering the biggest stories.

This week on The Vergecast, Nilay and Dieter are joined by Verge managing editor Alex Cranz and senior reporter Alex Heath to discuss Facebook’s newest hardware endeavor: sunglasses with cameras on them. Will this new iteration of smart glasses stick around? Or are we overthinking it? The cast dives in.

Second half of the show focuses on next week’s Apple event. The crew discussed their predictions for the iPhone 13, a new Apple Watch, and other products we may see announced on September 14th.

There’s a whole lot more packed into the show — like Amazon’s first lineup of smart TVs — so listen here or in your preferred podcast player for the full discussion.

Further reading:

The Vergecast

The podcast you need to make sense of the week in tech news

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