9 Tips & Tricks to Write Engaging Instagram Captions

 2 years ago
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9 Tips & Tricks to Write Engaging Instagram Captions

By Tamal Das

Published 19 hours ago

Writing interesting captions is crucial if you want to build a bigger Instagram audience. But what will bring in the likes and views?

Instagram is all about images and videos, but here’s the catch—you can immediately stop someone from scrolling with your eye-catching captions. Besides adding context to your photos and videos, this powerful tool can include details that a follower might have otherwise ignored.

Learn how to make your Instagram captions interesting and engaging for your followers with these tried and tested tips.

1. Capture Instagram Users' Attention With the First Line

Illustration of engaging your audience with social posts

The attention span of the netizens is decreasing at an alarming rate. Hence, you’ll get less than 10 seconds to grab the attention of your friends and followers. Therefore, writing a killer first line becomes essential to hook the followers and compel them to read the whole caption.

Also, ensure that you add the most vital information at the very beginning of the Instagram caption. Unless the first line is relevant and appealing, people won't be interested in engaging with you.

There are many ways to spark your audience's curiosity; it can be a question, a proverb, a quote, or anything out of the box. All of these can work for you in creating an interesting Instagram caption first line.

2. Use Emojis to Convey Emotions

A visualization of popular emojis in Instagram

A picture says a thousand words, and so does an emoji or emoticon. The use of funny and relevant emojis can result in higher engagement than captions without any emojis. So, there is no reason to shy away from using emojis in the Instagram caption.

If you want to write a persuasive caption, use the right emoji to convey your emotions crisply. You can also add a touch of your personality in the Instagram captions using emojis.

Moreover, emojis can also make the caption colorful. You can also use emoticons to replace some words in your caption copy, like swimming or birthday, or break up long text blocks.

3. Put Breaks Between the Lines

Writing short and crisp captions for Instagram is the standard way to make your digestible for followers. At times, you may need to write detailed captions when the situation demands. However, big text blocks can make your followers skip the post altogether. You can get rid of this inconvenience by using line breaks in your caption.

Line breaks refer to the space you put between the lines to create a separate paragraph. Besides making the Instagram captions easy to read, line breaks make the captions look more visually appealing.

4. Remember to Add Hashtags

An illustration of using hashtags in Instagram captions

Imagine writing a sarcastic caption for your Instagram image, but nobody gets it, and you look like a fool. You can avoid such an embarrassing situation by using a hashtag that says #sarcasm.

Moreover, hashtags increase the chances of people finding your post based on its topic—such as healthy breakfast or your weight loss journey. If your post is on a trending movie, album, or book, use appropriate hashtags to get into the conversation. All in all, it’ll increase post reach, classify posts, and boost your chance of getting new followers.

Related: A Guide to the Instagram Hashtags No One Understands

While adding hashtags in your captions, don’t just add up any hashtag you can think of. Add only the relevant and trending hashtags to make sure the right users find your post.

5. Consider Your Caption Length

Your Instagram caption should focus on quality over quantity. But the length you should make a caption is pretty fluid; it can be short and crisp or lengthy and loaded with information.

To constantly engage with your followers, consider adding captions of varying lengths to your post. This will mimic the natural way of speaking, and your posts will become more approachable.

6. Don’t Sound Like a Robot

An image showing how people prefers humane over robotics

Social media interaction can never be an alternative to human interaction. Still, no one wants to read a caption that sounds machine-written; it should have a human touch to attract more followers.

In this respect, authenticity plays a key role. Write your captions in a way that the reader will feel like someone is speaking to them. When a follower finds that your captions sound like a friend talking their heart out, they’ll want to engage with you for a conversation in comments section.

Instagram is a comparatively informal platform compared to some other social channels. Hence, using some sense of humor to explore any topic won’t do any harm.

7. Include Instagram Polls for Better Engagement

This or that? Yes or no? Everyone loves to participate in these quick but fun polls. Adding polls in your captions could make more people interested in engaging with your posts. You can ask your followers for their opinions on anything, whether it's an important social issue or the latest Marvel movie.

Related: How to Create Engaging Social Media Posts With Ripl

Whenever you ask for the opinion of your followers, they feel valued. Hence, they find it hard to resist expressing their views. The polls also shed light on the collective opinion of your followers on any particular topic.

8. Share Personal Feelings

A visual illustration of people sharing personal feelings

If you want to start a conversation with the followers, write captions that contain your feelings. Your audience will respond when they see you express your opinion without fear.

You don’t have to be neutral while sharing your opinion in the caption on any topic. The more you’ll share your personal feelings, the more your followers can relate to the post. Adding your personality will surely make the captions worthy of attention. You can also include sensory words to describe your emotions.

9. Write About Trending Topics

One surefire way to start engaging with your followers is to write captions on a trending topic. Whether it’s a cultural event of your city or the latest viral dog video, anything trending has the record of making more people involved in a conversation.

Even if you’re a bit late to discuss any trending topic, that doesn’t matter much. If you can pull off an intriguing caption based on it, followers will join to carry on the discussion.

Give Importance to Catchy Captions on Instagram

Instagram is a visual app, but words matter if you want more people to see your photos and videos. Creating captions is challenging, and you'll need to spend a little time thinking about what to include.

Once you've begun putting more effort into your visuals' accompanying text, you'll find that others will find you more interesting—and want to engage with you.

About The Author


Tamal Das (120 Articles Published)

Tamal is a freelance writer at MakeUseOf. After gaining substantial experience in technology, finance, and business processes in his previous job in an IT consulting company, he adopted writing as a full-time profession 3 years ago. While not writing about productivity and the latest tech news, he loves to play Splinter Cell and binge-watch Netflix/ Prime Video.

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