Privacy Cookbook - Ch 17.1 - DIY Content Management Systems

 2 years ago
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Privacy Cookbook - Chapter 17.1 - Decentralize It Yourself (DIY) - Content Management Systems (CMS)

Privacy Cookbook - Chapter 17.1 - Decentralize It Yourself (DIY) - Content Management Systems (CMS)

a day ago by Privacy Advocate • 5 min read

Let's face it, open-source is wonderful. And it\s even more awesome if you host it yourself. I covered yunohost in Chapter 17 which explains how it makes things dead simple for self-hosting. In case you missed it, check it out here:


But, as always, I like to give you as many options as I can here in the Privacy Cookbook. In the next few weeks, I'll post some great solutions based on categories in the respected chapters of the Cookbook, starting today with blogging and writing!

Content Management Systems (CMS)

CMS is an easy way to manage your website, and some come with great plugins to help you get the most out of your site. The best part is, of course, once you have it up and running, it is dead simple to manage.

So here are some open-source CMS options:

Alfresco Community Edition - The open-source Enterprise Content Management software that can handle any of your content and allows collaborating and sharing content within your team. (Source Code)

b2evolution CMS - The most integrated CMS ever: b2evolution includes everything you need to build websites from publishing to sharing to interacting with your community. (Source Code)

Backdrop CMS - Comprehensive solution for small to medium-sized businesses and non-profits. (Source Code)

BigTree CMS - BigTree is an extremely extendable open-source CMS built on PHP and MySQL. It was created by the expert designers, strategists, and developers at Fastspot to help you make and maintain better websites. (Source Code)

Bolt CMS - Open-source Content Management tool, which strives to be as simple and straightforward as possible. (Source Code)

CMS Made Simple - Freedom to design the site you want. Straightforward templating that makes turning your designs into pages a breeze. (Source Code)

Cockpit - Simple platform to manage any structured content. A self-hosted headless and api-driven CMS. (Source Code)

Concrete 5 CMS - Open-source solution for Teams (Source Code)

Contao - A powerful open-source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. (Source Code)

CouchCMS - Simple system for web designers. Retrofits into any existing static site. No knowledge of PHP required! (Source Code)

Directus - An instant app & API for your SQL database. Directus wraps your new or existing SQL database with a real-time GraphQL+REST API for developers, and an intuitive admin app for non-technical users. (Source Code)

Drupal - With robust content management tools, sophisticated APIs for multichannel publishing, and a track record of continuous innovation — Drupal is ready to stand as the hub of your digital presence. (Source Code)

Note: Drupal is one of the oldest and has 20 years of experience in CMS!

eLabFTW - a free and open-source electronic lab notebook. Designed by researchers, for researchers, with usability in mind. (Source Code)

Expressa - System for powering database-driven websites using JSON schemas. Provides permission management and automatic REST APIs. (Source Code)

Flextype - Is an open-source Hybrid Content Management System with the freedom of a headless CMS. Flextype provides a faster, more productive way for you to build and manage content for any kind of projects. (Source Code)

Joomla! - The flexible platform, empowering website creators. Joomla! is an award-winning content management system, which enables you to build websites and powerful online applications (Source Code)

KeystoneJS - Helps you build faster and scale further than any other CMS or App framework. Just describe your schema, and get a powerful GraphQL API & beautiful Management UI for content and data. No boilerplate or bootstrapping – just elegant APIs to help you ship the code that matters without sacrificing the flexibility or power of a bespoke back-end. (Source Code)

MODX - This is the ultimate platform for any digital experience. It combines the best of open-source CMS, development frameworks, and managed cloud hosting. Blazing fast. Secure. Infinitely flexible. MODX helps you create, collaborate, deliver, and iterate with less complexity, compromise, and bloat. (Source Code)

Neos - Neos or TYPO3 Neos (for version 1) is a modern, open-source CMS. (Source Code)

October - October is a self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. (Source Code)

Omeka - Open-source web publishing platforms for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits. (Source Code)

Pagekit - A modern open-source CMS. Intuitive. Modular and Flexible (Source Code)

Pico - Stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS. (Source Code)

Plone - Powerful open-source CMS system. (Source Code)

ProcessWire - A friendly and powerful open-source CMS with an API that is a joy to use at any scale. (Source Code)

Publify - A simple but full-featured web publishing software. It's built around a blogging engine and a small message system connected to Twitter. (Source Code)

Redaxscript - A modern, ultra-lightweight and rocket fast CMS for SQLite, MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL. (Source Code)

SilverStripe - Is an intuitive content management system and flexible framework loved by editors and developers alike. Equip your web teams to achieve outstanding results.(Source Code)

Squidex - We know that there are dozens of headless CMS on the market, but Squidex is open source and unique(Source Code)

Strapi - Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first. (Source Code)

Textpattern - The small content management system that can handle big ideas (Source Code)

Typemill - The open-source flat-file cms for text-driven websites. Create handbooks, documentations, manuals, web-novels, traditional websites, and more. (Source Code)

TYPO3 - Powerful and advanced CMS with a large community. (Source Code)

Umbraco - Creating and updating your website should be the least of your worries. With Umbraco, you get a content management system known and loved for its flexibility and great editing experience. (Source Code)

Wagtail - A powerful CMS for modern websites. (Source Code)

WonderCMS - Is the smallest flat file CMS. Fast & easy editing, only 5 files (Source Code)

WordPress - An open-source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. (Source Code)

As you see when it comes to CMS you have a lot more options as than simply Joomla or WordPress. In next week's Privacy Cookbook, I'll move on to the Blogging only platforms, as when it comes to writing and blogging it doesn't always need to be a CMS platform. Here at decentralize.today we use Ghost and write.as, but they are more blogging platforms and so will be covered next week.

Stay safe, and write, perhaps even for decentralize.today

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