By default, scp(1) now uses SFTP protocol

 2 years ago
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By default, scp(1) now uses SFTP protocol

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By default, scp(1) now uses SFTP protocol

Contributed by rueda on 2021-09-09 from the saner-future-than-past dept.

Thanks to a commit by Damien Miller (djm@), scp(1) (in -current) now defaults to using the SFTP protocol:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	[email protected]	2021/09/08 17:31:39

Modified files:
	usr.bin/ssh    : scp.1 scp.c 

Log message:
Use the SFTP protocol by default. The original scp/rcp protocol remains
available via the -O flag.

Note that ~user/ prefixed paths in SFTP mode require a protocol extension
that was first shipped in OpenSSH 8.7.

ok deraadt, after baking in snaps for a while without incident

As explained in the OpenSSH Release Notes,

SFTP offers more predictable filename handling and does not require expansion of glob(3) patterns via the shell on the remote side.


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