Finding Total Records in Different Tables in a Single Query

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/finding-total-records-in-different-tables-in-a-single-query.html
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Finding Total Records in Different Tables in a Single Query


Currently I m using this query ,Is there any substitution for this query,which will work more faster .

            0 as result1,0 as result2,COUNT(*) as result3
            count(*) as result1,0 as result2,0 as result3
            0 as result1,count(*) as result2,0 as result3
    ) as allresult

Alternate solution of above query is as below:

SELECT (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table2) AS result1,
       (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table3) AS result2,
       (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table1) AS result3;

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