Tips To Become Great Programmer Of All Time

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/coderzz/tips-to-become-great-programmer-of-all-time-3046
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Tips To Become Great Programmer Of All Time

Sep 9

・1 min read

 A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. ~Doug Linder

Let me start by saying that I do not consider myself to be a competent coder. I consider my coding abilities to be mediocre, and I am still learning and have a long way to go before I am even remotely satisfied with them.Yes, I am better at programming than a lot of others, but that is just because they are lazy and choose to sit about idle all day instead of programming. Their dreadful abilities make my less dreadful abilities appear fantastic.

So most of the tips I will mention below are lessons learnt from failed endeavours, they are what I have wanted to be and I am not. So lets dive in. 

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