How to Create, Edit, and Delete Folders on Your PS4

 2 years ago
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How to Create, Edit, and Delete Folders on Your PS4

By Soham De

Published 6 hours ago

If your PlayStation 4 home screen is a total mess, it might be time your organized it with some folders. Here's how.

It's easy to ignore the list of games piling up in your PS4s's library and, before you know it, your home screen is full of clutter and you can't locate your favorite games and apps.

Thankfully, your PS4 has a nifty feature that'll minimize the mess and keep things better organized: folders. Here's how you can create, edit, and delete folders on your PS4.

How to Add Folders on PS4

Adding a game to a folder on a PS4

Adding folders in your PS4 is easy and intuitive. Simply select a game or app, tap Options, and select Add to Folder.

You'll then have the option of adding to a new or existing folder, though if this is your first time, you can only add to a new folder. Select that option, then name your folder, select content for it, and then press OK.

Accessing PS4 folders via the Library app

Also, once you've created at least one folder, you can add new folders through your PS4's Library app. Open Library, select the Folders tab, then select Create New.

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How to Edit PS4 Folders

Selecting the Edit Folder option on a PS4

Now that you've got one or more folders, let's look at editing them. Select a folder or something in that folder, tap Options, then select Edit Folder.

This will take you to the same place as when you were adding a folder (though in the top-right, it now says "Edit Folder"). Here, you can rename your folder, add or remove content to/from it, and sort the order of your content. Select OK when you're done.

Editing a folder on PS4

Note: sorting content is really useful if you want to keep titles in the same franchise next to each other, or you prefer them to be in alphabetical order.

If you want to move an individual item from your folder, you can select the item, tap Options, then tap Move from this Folder. You can now place this item back on your home screen or add it to a new folder.

How to Delete PS4 Folders

Deleting just a folder on a PS4

If you want to delete your folder, simply select your folder, tap Options, then select Delete Folder Only. Easy!

You'll notice the option to delete both your folder and its content, which is right below. So, double-check that you're just deleting just your folder and not everything inside it as well.

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Folders Are Just One Way to Organize Your PS4

Now you can add, edit, and delete folders on your PS4 to your heart's content. It should reduce clutter and allow you to locate the game for the moment more easily.

Folders are just one way you can organize your PS4. There are plenty of useful things you can do to make navigating your PS4 that much easier.

About The Author


Soham De (82 Articles Published)

Soham is a musician, writer and gamer. He loves all things creative and productive, especially when it comes to music creation and video games. Horror is his genre of choice and oftentimes, you'll hear him talking about his favourite books, games and wonderings.

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