How Nicole Tabs Uses The Power Of Branding To Build Million Dollar Companies

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/09/06/how-nicole-tabs-uses-the-power-of-branding-to-build-million-dollar-companies/
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How Nicole Tabs Uses The Power Of Branding To Build Million Dollar Companies

Nicole Tabs has a resume that, from start to finish, is impressive no matter where you start: co-founder of Serendipity Group, a film production company that just announced its first TV series on ABC, CEO and co-founder of business development agency Monarchy Media, and co-founder of modern fitness brand Upliffs.

It’s even more impressive when you consider that she does all of these things simultaneously. But in this case, an unstoppable drive and a keen business sense runs in the family – and Tabs sees no reason to slow down now.

Destined For Entrepreneurship

For Tabs, who is half Persian and half Filipino, developing brand after brand comes naturally. Her father is a serial entrepreneur, too, and he models for Tabs what it looks like to live with an entrepreneurial spirit. So it was a natural jump from her original work as an influencer, fitness enthusiast and legging model to take off as an entrepreneur with one project after another.

Serendipity Group is a company co-owned by Tabs and her mother. The name of the film group has a special meaning: “serendipity” was Tabs’ father’s favorite word.

The name proved to continue being a serendipitous choice, because nine years later, Serendipity Group is still going strong. In 2020, ABC greenlit a six-episode TV series titled Women of the Movement in partnership with Serendipity. The series highlights the story of Mamie Till Mobley, the mother of Emmett Till, a Black teenager who was murdered in 1955 for supposedly whistling at a white woman. His mother spent the rest of her life looking for justice. Will Smith and Jay-Z serve as executive producers, along with other producers, and it is set to air in 2022.

New Endeavours

After Serendipity came Monarchy Media, which started as an influencer marketing company in 2018. However, over time, it shifted to encompass other marketing media management and eventually turned into a business development agency.

In 2019, Tabs added Andrea d’Agostini as a 50% partner. It was the perfect match: Tabs was already an Instagram influencer, d’Agostini had worked in entrepreneurship and marketing for years and was connected to a wide variety of brands. A media company capitalizing on their existing careers and contacts seemed like the perfect idea.

“We started off by facilitating the relationship between brands and influencers,” she said. “Then we realized we could expand out to social media, websites, email marketing, staff and sales training and then we became a full-fledged business development agency.”

In many ways, Tabs added, it was a match made in heaven. And the partnership with d’Agostini worked out better than she had ever dreamed — well enough that the two ended up getting married in 2020. “[d’Agostini] does the marketing and entrepreneur side, and I work on the creative and production sides. It really works.”

Keeping Her Momentum

Tabs has yet to slow down as an entrepreneur. Her latest venture is Upliffs, a fitness company she co-founded mid-2020. The company sells workout gear (such as resistance bands, leggings, duffel bags etc.) and offers a way for Tabs to get back to her fitness roots. “Your workouts should never be a drag. Our products bring a fun challenge to your workout routine!” the website reads.

From Serendipity to Monarchy to Upliffs and beyond, Nicole Tabs knows how to create a strong brand — and knows that she does it well.

“I’m a woman. A descendant of immigrants. And an entrepreneur who builds seven-figure brands,” she said. “And now, I want to tell other women, other immigrants’ descendants and anyone who wants to listen that they can do the same.”

Her Keeping Tabs YouTube series, which launched last month, dives deeper into her personal journey, her successes across all areas of life, and how others can level up their life in all categories – something she feels empowered to share after so many years leading businesses to success.

“You can leverage almost anything when building a brand,” Tabs said. “I’ve used my skills and connections to build brands, and worked with people I know to meet even more people to help me on the way. It all works together, and that’s a skill I want to teach other entrepreneurs.”

About Nicole Tabs

Nicole Tabs is a serial entrepreneur and humanitarian who co-founded Monarchy, a highly successful business development agency. She is also the co-founder of Serendipity Group, launching their new TV series on ABC and published on Deadline. To view Monarchy’s services, click here.

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