A Video social networking frontend UI created in React Native

 2 years ago
source link: https://reactnativeexample.com/a-video-social-networking-frontend-ui-created-in-react-native/
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A Video social networking frontend UI created in React Native

Aug 31, 2021 2 min read


ReactTube is a Video social networking frontend UI, created in React Native, and can be used in youtube clone, dailymotion clone and all other social video networking platform. The UI is built with pure react native components and reusable components.

Mobile - Download APK


Main Cover


Mobile UI

  • Initial Views
Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Liked.pngComments.pngVideoDesc.pngExploreScreen.png Screen 5 Screen 6 Screen 7 Screen 8 JoinScreen.pngLibraryScreen.pngEarningScreen.pngSplash.png Screen 9 Screen 10 Screen 11 Screen 12 Settings.pngVerification.pngUserScreen.pngHomeScreen.png
  • Credit Card Component
Screen 1 Screen 2 Purchase.pngAddCard.png
  • Insight
Screen 1 Screen 2 Insight.pngInsight2.png
  • Login and Register Screen
Screen 1 Screen 2 LoginScreen.pngRegisterScreen.png

There are many more screens, please checkout the APK

The project is ready to use with any kind of backend. Also P.R and other code fixations are always welcome, leave a star if it helps you.



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