Multidimensional list Getting the position of a Python string

 2 years ago
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Multidimensional list Getting the position of a Python string


I got following List

relational_scheme = [["F",["DC"]],["A",["EBD"]],["DC" , ["BAF"]],["E",["DB"]]]

Now i want to get the second List as a Set like

def returnSetOfList(relational_scheme,"F")

So that this output generates


How can i make this? an easy Index don't work.

Thanks in advance.


got it, was just blind Solution:

def returnSetOfList(scheme,string):
    for x in scheme:
        if string in x:
            return set(x[1])

You can create a dictionary and then return the set() of the value for a given key.


>>> def returnSetOfList(scheme, key):
...     a_dict = dict(scheme)
...     return set( a_dict[key] )

>>> relational_scheme = [["F",["DC"]],["A",["EBD"]],["DC" , ["BAF"]],["E",["DB"]]]
>>> returnSetOfList(relational_scheme, "F")

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