Pinterest Launches New Insights Series to Help Guide Your Pin Marketing Approach

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/pinterest-launches-new-insights-series-to-help-guide-your-pin-marketing-app/605747/
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Pinterest Launches New Insights Series to Help Guide Your Pin Marketing Approach

Published Aug. 30, 2021
Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Are you looking for ways to maximize your Pinterest strategy, or tips on how you can get started with Pins to boost your overall marketing efforts?

This will help – this week, Pinterest is launching a new content series which aims to provide expert insights from both experienced Pin creators and internal staff as to how you can use the platform to best effect.

The first post in the series, published today, provides pointers on how you can build your Pin audience.

As explained by Pinterest:

On Pinterest, you get more than a passive follow. People are looking for authentic connections with creators they trust. They’re hoping to discover and follow creators who share their passions. Here, you can build an active community that values and engages with your content.” 

Pinterest provides five key tips for connecting with users:

1. Create fresh content weekly – The more you create, Pinterest says, the more chances you have to be discovered, while Pinterest specifically notes that brands should look to create ‘fresh Idea Pins every week’ to solidify their presence. Idea Pins are Pinterest’s revised iteration of Stories, which provide another way to boost brand awareness and exposure in the app, appearing in a prominent, top of feed display on each users’ home screen.

Idea Pins panel

2. Use trends to inform your strategy – Pinterest’s Trends tool is a hugely valuable resource for staying on top of key interests in any niche, and you should definitely be tapping into that data to help inform your Pin strategy.

Pinterest Trends

3. Add text overlay to your Pins – Like other Stories options, Idea Pins have their own visual additions and tools, which can make your frames stand out and grab attention. Pinterest additionally notes that the text overlay on your Idea Pins affects how they show up in Pinterest search - ‘It’s like SEO on Pinterest: If you pick the right keywords, you’ll reach more people’. A key note to keep in mind.

Pinterest Idea Pins

4. Topic tag before you publish – You can also add topic tags to your Idea Pins and video Pins, and Pinterest advises that you should ‘always do this’. ‘Tagging a mix of topics related to your content helps your idea reach the people who are interested in what you’re creating’.

5. Fill in all of your board details – And finally, a universal social media platform tip – ensure you’ve added in all of your details, on boards and on your profile, to maximize your opportunities. ‘Board names, descriptions and categories all impact how your content shows up in Pinterest search results. Use clear, descriptive language to improve your search performance.’

These are some key discovery pointers, and definitely the added exposure potential of Idea Pins is worth considering as you go about formulating the best way forward for your Pin approach. And with the platform now up to 454 million active users, and people increasingly looking to buy online as a result of the COVID lockdowns, now may well be the best time to get started with your own Pin strategy, as we head into the Holiday shopping spike.

Pinterest is planning to publish additional insights posts over the coming months. You can sign up for Pinterest's Creator Newsletter to be alerted to each as they go live.

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