Rescale - Software Engineer

 2 years ago
source link: https://jobs.lever.co/rescale/57b5bc81-ee75-4a30-a763-3eb8dd595165?lever-origin=applied&lever-source%5B0%5D=Hacker+News
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Software Engineer

Remote (United States) /
Software Engineering /
Rescale is the leader in enterprise big compute and is one of the fastest growing tech companies in Silicon Valley. Our customers range from disruptive and innovative startups to leading global automotive manufacturers. Our dynamic team is welcoming, collaborative and diverse. Becoming a part of the Rescale team means that you are part of the next generation in big compute. You will become part of the disruption which is turning traditional HPC on its head. 
We need passionate go-getters who can take partially specified use cases and build robust frameworks which can be quickly leveraged by fellow teammates, enabling the next big HPC use case.
We are seeking a Software Engineer to join our team in San Francisco!
In this role, you will be responsible for the following: 
·       Design, implement and support software features of the Rescale virtualization platform.
·       Provide technical leadership on emerging technologies.
·       Interface with partners on platform-related technical issues.
Key Qualifications include:
·       BS in Computer Science or related field.
·       3+ years of programming experience with Java or Python.
·       Deep knowledge of object oriented programming, distributed/concurrent/multicore computing, cloud architectures, virtualization technologies, scalable databases, and fault tolerant computing.
·       Expertise or strong interest in the following areas: high performance computing, code optimization, concurrent programming, security, encryption, and certificates.
·       Flexibility and dedication to making exceptional products.
Rescale is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.  As part of our standard hiring process for new employees, employment with Rescale will be contingent upon successful completion of a comprehensive background check.   

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK