Ringtones fall out of fashion as ‘Generation Mute’ stay glued to screens

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/08/27/ringtones-fashion-generation-mute-stays-glued-screens-chatting/
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Ringtones fall out of fashion as ‘Generation Mute’ stay glued to screens

Jingle downloads slump due to an increase in 16 to 24-year-olds using messaging apps and keeping phones on silent

Analysts told The Telegraph that because younger people are nearly always glued to their phone screens, they do not need ringtones to know when someone is calling them

Analysts told The Telegraph that because younger people are nearly always glued to their phone screens, they do not need ringtones to know when someone is calling them

Credit: JosuOzkaritz/ iStockphoto

Ringtones are now the preserve of the old and middle aged, experts have said, and mobile phones ringing in public will soon become a social “faux pas”....

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