Does the SQL run a string problem with a national language character?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/does-the-sql-run-a-string-problem-with-a-national-language-character.html
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Does the SQL run a string problem with a national language character?


i have a simple sp in sql as bellow :

    alter proc sptest(@val nvarchar(30))

    select COUNT(*) from AAtable
    where name =  @val

as i call this sp with @val = 'مریم', it works well and returns value. but when i change it like this :

    alter proc sptest(@val nvarchar(30))
    declare @q nvarchar(max)
    set @q = 'select COUNT(*) from AAtable where name = ' + @val


and call it with the same @val, it converts @val value to "?" and returns error. i should say that @val comes from a string parameter in c#. as i know .net convert string to nvarchar parameter form sql. anyway i can not add N before @val. and also i HAVE to make a string query and execute it so i can not change it to the first code too.

if i do this : set @q = 'select COUNT(*) from AAtable where name = N''' + @val + '''' it does not work too.

why execute string makes my nvarchar parameter to "?" !?

Add the N in front of your text, so it is an NVARCHAR literal, not a VARCHAR, like this: N'My Text'

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