Microsoft makes it easier to install Windows 11 with newly released ISOs | TechS...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/90927-microsoft-makes-easier-install-windows-11-newly-released.html
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Microsoft makes it easier to install Windows 11 with newly released ISOs

Streamlining the installation process

By Shawn Knight Today 11:08 AM

What just happened? Microsoft has made it easier to install preview builds of Windows 11 for testing purposes. With the recent launch of Preview Build 22000.160, Microsoft also announced ISOs for Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22000.132 and published them to their downloads page. With them, you’ll easily be able to burn install discs or load them onto a USB drive for a clean install or in-place upgrade.

Those who utilize the ISOs will also get to experience the new Windows 11 setup experience, often referred to as the “out of box experience.” During this process, users will have the opportunity to name their PC and complete initial setup.

ISOs are available for both Beta and Dev channel Insiders, but you'll need to be a program member in order to access the downloads page. As you may have noticed, the ISO builds are slightly outdated, so once installation is complete, you’ll then need to download and install the latest updates to get up to speed.


Ars Technica notes that as with other Insider Preview builds, these ISOs won’t enforce Windows 11 processor requirements but will enforce Secure Boot and Trusted Platform Module (TPM) requirements -- it seems that any version of TMP will satisfy the installer, although eventually, Microsoft say’s you’ll need version 2.0.

Another workaround involving registry edits is also making the rounds, allowing users to install Win 11 on virtually any hardware that’s capable of running Windows 10 64-bit.

The full consumer version of Windows 11 is expected before the end of 2021, although Microsoft hasn’t yet provided a definitive date we can circle on the calendar.

Image credit: Marcus Urbenz

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