GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/geeksforgeeks-elite-batch-learning-monthly-stipend-placement-no-fee-ever/?ref=grb
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GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch – Learning, Monthly Stipend, Placement & No Fee Ever!

Undeniably, a fresher seeking to start his professional career strongly needs a reliable platform that can help him to achieve his respective career goals by providing him with quality learning resources, proper mentorship, exposure to relevant career opportunities, etc.  


And, needless to say, GeeksforGeeks has been doing the same since its inception and catering to millions of students across the world to get them closer to their career goals.  

Contentedly, GeeksforGeeks is taking a step forward and expanding its horizons by coming up with the GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch that will help all the individuals to build a strong career in the tech world.  

What is GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch?

The GFG Elite Batch is concerned with an intensive 6-month program where the candidates will be taught various tech and non-tech skills required for the tech job roles. The candidates will be exposed to a well-planned learning curriculum and will get trained by industry experts. Not only this, but the candidates will get a Stipend as well during this learning tenure. Yes, you heard it right – LEARN & EARN!

Furthermore, after the 6-month learning tenure, candidates will be provided with the 6-months Paid Internship at GeeksforGeeks in any of the teams like Software Development, Course Video Mentors, Content, etc. The team or domain allotment will be done based on their performances in regular assessments during the learning period and in the interview round. Meanwhile, candidates will get a decent stipend in this internship period also. Once the internship will get over, candidates’ profiles & performances will get reviewed for the permanent job role.  

In a nutshell, “A Course with Learning, Monthly Stipend, Placement, and No Fee Ever!!”

Let’s get to know the entire cycle of GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch in detail:

Phase 1: GATEWAY [Entrance Test & Interview]

First and foremost, candidates will be required to appear for an Entrance Test. You must remember that graduates from the year 2020 or 2021 will only be eligible to apply for the GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch and appear for this entrance exam. Other than that, there are not any eligibility criteria or registration fees and anyone who is having a zeal to shape up his/her career can apply. The entrance test will have questions of easy to medium difficulty level: 50 MCQs (Aptitude, Verbal and Logical Reasoning) and 3 Coding Problems. It will be an online test that you can attempt right from your home and the duration of the test will be of 2.5 hours.

Important: The Top 100 performers in this test will be shortlisted for the interview round after which 50 candidates will finally be selected for the program.  

Phase 2: LEARN & EARN  [Learning Period with Stipend – 6 months]

All the 50 candidates, selected after the interview round, will undergo the 6-months learning period. Students will get 4-hours daily classes along with 2 hours of daily GFG resource-based learning. The technical areas that will be covered in this 6-months learning phase are:

  • Programming in Python
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Web Technologies
    • JavaScript
    • Frameworks
      • Django
      • React

Other than that, in this 6-months period, three assessments will be done (after every two months). And most importantly, candidates will get a decent stipend in this learning period as well!

Phase 3: GET INTO THE PROFESSIONAL WORLD [PAID Internship – 6 months]

After the learning phase, candidates will now be interviewed with multiple teams including Software Development, Course Video Mentors, Content, etc, and based on their performances in the interview rounds as well as in assessments during the learning period, they will be allotted their respective team for the internship. You need to remember that the final decision of team or domain allotment will be at the company’s discretion. In this internship period, a decent amount of stipend will be provided to the candidates.  

Phase 4: MAKE IT PERMANENT [Full-Time Permanent Job Opportunity]

Once the internship will get over, candidates’ profiles & performances will get reviewed for the permanent job role. If the candidates get selected, they will get regular CTC of the allotted job role like SDE, mentor, or content writer.

Why Should You Join GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch?

Some of the prominent reasons to join GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch are listed below:

  1. Candidates will get the 6-months stipend during the learning phase.
  2. You’ll be taught all the relevant skills, needed in tech jobs, by the industry experts.  
  3. The curriculum for the 6-month learning tenure is designed in such a way that along with theoretical knowledge, candidates will also get the much-needed hands-on experience and practical exposure.  
  4. A fixed paid internship will be provided to all 50 candidates after the successful completion of the 6-month learning period.
  5. Candidates also stand the chance to convert the internship into a full-time job opportunity.  

Rules & Regulations

  1. Candidates with the graduation year 2020/2021 will only be eligible to apply for the GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch
  2. Candidates will get selected for the program solely based on their performance in Entrance Test & Interview. 
  3. The final decision of team or domain allotment for the internship will be at the company’s discretion based on the individuals’ performances.  
  4. There would be a legal bond document of two years to be created that a candidate must follow and breaking it may lead to the penalty.  
  5. The internship opportunity will surely be provided to all the 50 candidates but to make it a full-time job opportunity, they have to perform really well in the internship period.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q-1. Will I get the stipend in the learning phase also?

Ans. Yes, the stipend will be provided in 6 months of learning as well as during 6 months of internship.

Q-2. From which date the 2-year bond period will be considered?

Ans. The bond period will start from your Date of Joining (DoJ) the Internship.

Q-3. What if I would want to change the allotted team/domain?

Ans. The final decision of team or domain allotment for the internship will be at the company’s discretion based on the individuals’ performances. Hence, no candidate would be allowed to team/domain change.

Q-4. How can I attempt the entrance test for GeeksforGeeks Elite Batch?

Ans. The test will be conducted in online mode and you can directly apply for it from here

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