Protect your documents, files with this flash drive accessible only with your fi...

 2 years ago
source link: https://thenextweb.com/news/protect-your-documents-files-with-this-flash-drive-accessible-only-with-your-fingerprint
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Protect your documents, files with this flash drive accessible only with your fingerprint

Protect your documents, files with this flash drive accessible only with your fingerprint

There are plenty of ways to safeguard your valuable data, but why mess with passwords that are too hard to remember or too easy for somebody to guess or steal? The TOKK Fingerprint USB uses your fingerprint to keep your information safe, and that’s something you can’t lose, forget or have taken from you.

The TOKK USB is a flash drive that stores up to 32 GB of information. And by using your fingerprint as the access point, it acts like a digital safe. You want to access anything on the drive or add anything to it, your fingerprint will be required. That lets you relax, knowing your personal documents, photographs and other valuable files are available only to you.

The TOKK device works with both PCs and Apple computers, allowing you a wide range of access. It has built-in data encryption and is water resistant, giving you an extra level of security.

But what if you have a flash drive that other families need to access? Not a problem with TOKK, which can store up to 10 fingerprints. That means your spouse, children, parents or whoever you trust can also have access to the same files.

So go ahead and put your financial records on the flash drive. Store your tax returns and other vital information that only you and your spouse need to access. Put your will, power of attorney or medical records on the flash drive and feel secure that nobody else is getting to them. Or store those valuable family photos somewhere safe that the entire family can reach.

The possibilities are endless for what you might put on the drive, but the decisions are all yours. And who can get to them is completely in your control.

And now is the perfect time to purchase a TOKK Fingerprint USB. Normally priced at $99, you can get it for a limited time for just $49.99, which is half price.

Prices subject to change

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