Dicast: Rules of Chaos - Dice Battle RPG

 2 years ago
source link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bss.game.DicastRoc&hl=en
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39,888 total
Noel Chong
August 3, 2021
A pre-determined game. Refer to other reviews. If you are still continuing with this game you can choose to surrender the match early if you get into traps or lose a match with a low lvl monster and if your opponent wins a match at the start with a high lvl monster. It means u are pre-determined to ...
James Skelley
August 5, 2021
Edit: Definitely a pay to win game. Predictable outcomes with dice rolls. Usually not in your favor. Defined winner from the beginning of the game. After playing for a little while it crashes. Most of the time in the middle of a match. Hope it gets fixed. Liked it so much I bought the premium pass b...
david treece
August 11, 2021
DO NOT DOWNLOAD! This game is rigged. Through several games your opponent gets exactly what they need (several times in a row) while you struggle just to get around the board. If there's a trap there's a high percentage that you will land on them. Your opponent won't. The "random" match up is anythi...
Luc Tan
July 31, 2021
I would give zero if i could. The game is only easy for the low level ranks(below master level) Stringing win streaks is easy at that level. The higher you go, the more rigged it becomes. For plenty of games, your throws are so bad that you never get to attack, always stepping on traps or opponents ...
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