Troubleshoot full transaction log error 9002 - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

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Troubleshoot a Full Transaction Log (SQL Server Error 9002)

  • 06/22/2021
  • 16 minutes to read

In this article

Applies to: yesSQL Server (all supported versions)

Option 1: Follow the steps directly in a notebook via Azure Data Studio

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Option 2: Follow the step manually

This topic discusses possible responses to a full transaction log and suggests how to avoid it in the future.

When the transaction log becomes full, SQL Server Database Engine issues a 9002 error. The log can fill when the database is online, or in recovery. If the log fills while the database is online, the database remains online but can only be read, not updated. If the log fills during recovery, the Database Engine marks the database as RESOURCE PENDING. In either case, user action is required to make log space available.

This article is focused on SQL Server. For more specific information on this error in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, see Troubleshooting transaction log errors with Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance are based on the latest stable version of the Microsoft SQL Server database engine, so much of the content is similar though troubleshooting options and tools may differ.

Common reasons for a full transaction log

The appropriate response to a full transaction log depends on what conditions caused the log to fill. Common causes include:

  • Log not being truncated
  • Disk volume is full
  • Log size is set to a fixed maximum value (autogrow is disabled)
  • Replication or availability group synchronization that is unable to complete

If no recent transaction log history is indicated for the database with a full transaction log, the solution to the problem is straightforward: resume regular transaction log backups of the database. For more information and a script to review backup history, see the section Backing up the log in this article.

Resolving a full transaction log

The following specific steps will help you find the reason for a full transaction log and resolve the issue.

Truncate the Log

There is a difference between truncating a transaction log and shrinking a transaction log. Log Truncation occurs normally during a transaction log backup, and is a logical operation which removes committed records inside the log, whereas log shrinking reclaims physical space on the file system by reducing the file size. Log truncation occurs on a virtual-log-file (VLF) boundary, and a log file may contain many VLFs. A log file can be shrunk only if there is empty space inside the log file to reclaim. Shrinking a log file alone cannot solve the problem of a full log file, instead, you must discover why the log file is full and cannot be truncated.


Data that is moved to shrink a file can be scattered to any available location in the file. This causes index fragmentation and might slow the performance of queries that search a range of the index. To eliminate the fragmentation, consider rebuilding the indexes on the file after shrinking. For more information, see Shrink a database.

To discover what is preventing log truncation in a given case, use the log_reuse_wait and log_reuse_wait_desc columns of the sys.databases catalog view. For more information, see sys.databases (Transact-SQL). For descriptions of factors that can delay log truncation, see The Transaction Log (SQL Server).

The following set of T-SQL commands will help you identify if a database transaction log is not truncated and the reason for it. The following script will also recommend steps to resolve the issue:

DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR (8000), @log_reuse_wait tinyint, @log_reuse_wait_desc nvarchar(120), @dbname sysname, @database_id int, @recovery_model_desc varchar (24)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #CannotTruncateLog_Db

    sdb.name as DbName, 
    sdb.log_reuse_wait, sdb.log_reuse_wait_desc, 
    log_reuse_wait_explanation = CASE

        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 1 THEN 'No checkpoint has occurred since the last log truncation, or the head of the log has not yet moved beyond'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 2 THEN 'A log backup is required before the transaction log can be truncated.'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 3 THEN 'A data backup or a restore is in progress (all recovery models). Please wait or cancel backup'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 4 THEN 'A long-running active transaction or a defferred transaction is keeping log from being truncated. You can attempt a log backup to free space or complete/rollback long transaction'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 5 THEN 'Database mirroring is paused, or under high-performance mode, the mirror database is significantly behind the principal database. (Full recovery model only)'        
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 6 THEN 'During transactional replication, transactions relevant to the publications are still undelivered to the distribution database. Investigate the status of agents involved in replication or Changed Data Capture (CDC). (Full recovery model only.)'        

        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 7 THEN 'A database snapshot is being created. This is a routine, and typically brief, cause of delayed log truncation.'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 8 THEN 'A transaction log scan is occurring. This is a routine, and typically a brief cause of delayed log truncation.'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 9 THEN 'A secondary replica of an availability group is applying transaction log records of this database to a corresponding secondary database. (Full recovery model only.)'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 13 THEN 'If a database is configured to use indirect checkpoints, the oldest page on the database might be older than the checkpoint log sequence number (LSN).'
        WHEN log_reuse_wait = 16 THEN 'An In-Memory OLTP checkpoint has not occurred since the last log truncation, or the head of the log has not yet moved beyond a VLF.'
    ELSE 'None' END,

    ls.total_log_size_mb - ls.active_log_size_mb as Free_Space_mb
INTO #CannotTruncateLog_Db
FROM sys.databases AS sdb CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_log_stats(database_id) AS ls

WHERE sdb.log_reuse_wait != 0;

SELECT * FROM #CannotTruncateLog_Db;

DECLARE no_truncate_db CURSOR FOR
    SELECT log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc, dbname, database_id, recovery_model_desc FROM #CannotTruncateLog_Db;

OPEN no_truncate_db

FETCH NEXT FROM no_truncate_db into @log_reuse_wait, @log_reuse_wait_desc, @dbname, @database_id, @recovery_model_desc

    if (@log_reuse_wait is not null)
        select '-- ''' + @dbname +  ''' database --' as "Individual Database Report"

    if (@log_reuse_wait = 1)
        select 'Consider running the checkpoint command to attempt resolving this issue or further t-shooting may be required on the checkpoint process. Also, examine the log for active VLFs at the end of file' as Recommendation
        select 'USE ''' + @dbname+ '''; CHECKPOINT' as CheckpointCommand
        select 'select * from sys.dm_db_log_info(' + convert(varchar,@database_id)+ ')' as VLF_LogInfo
    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 2)
        select 'Is '+ @recovery_model_desc +' recovery model the intended choice for your database? Review recovery models and determine if you need to change it. https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/recovery-models-sql-server'
        select 'To truncate the log consider performing a transaction log backup on database ''' + @dbname+ ''' which is in ' + @recovery_model_desc +' recovery model. Be mindful of any existing log backup chains that could be broken' as Recommendation
        select 'BACKUP LOG [' + @dbname + '] TO DISK = ''some_volume:\some_folder\' + @dbname + '_LOG.trn''' as BackupLogCommand
    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 3)
        select 'Either wait for or cancel any active backups currently running for database ''' +@dbname+ '''. To check for backups, run this command:' as Recommendation
        select 'select * from sys.dm_exec_requests where command like ''backup%'' or command like ''restore%''' as FindBackupOrRestore
    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 4)
        select 'Active transactions currently running  for database ''' +@dbname+ '''. To check for active transactions, run these commands:' as Recommendation
        select 'DBCC OPENTRAN (''' +@dbname+ ''')' as FindOpenTran
        select 'select database_id, db_name(database_id) dbname, database_transaction_begin_time, database_transaction_state, database_transaction_log_record_count, database_transaction_log_bytes_used, database_transaction_begin_lsn, stran.session_id from sys.dm_tran_database_transactions dbtran left outer join sys.dm_tran_session_transactions stran on dbtran.transaction_id = stran.transaction_id where database_id = ' + convert(varchar, @database_id) as FindOpenTransAndSession

    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 5)
        select 'Database Mirroring for database ''' +@dbname+ ''' is behind on synchronization. To check the state of DBM, run the commands below:' as Recommendation
        select 'select db_name(database_id), mirroring_state_desc, mirroring_role_desc, mirroring_safety_level_desc from sys.database_mirroring where mirroring_guid is not null and mirroring_state <> 4 and database_id = ' + convert(sysname, @database_id)  as CheckMirroringStatus
        select 'Database Mirroring for database ''' +@dbname+ ''' may be behind: check unsent_log, send_rate, unrestored_log, recovery_rate, average_delay in this output' as Recommendation
        select 'exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring 1; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults ''' + @dbname+ ''', 5, 0; waitfor delay ''00:01:01''; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults ''' + @dbname+ '''; exec msdb.sys.sp_dbmmonitordropmonitoring'   as CheckMirroringStatusAnd

    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 6)
        select 'Replication transactions still undelivered from publisher database ''' +@dbname+ ''' to Distribution database. Check the oldest non-distributed replication transaction. Also check if the Log Reader Agent is running and if it has encoutered any errors' as Recommendation
        select 'DBCC OPENTRAN  (''' + @dbname + ''')' as CheckOldestNonDistributedTran
        select 'select top 5 * from distribution..MSlogreader_history where runstatus in (6, 5) or error_id <> 0 and agent_id = find_in_mslogreader_agents_table  order by time desc ' as LogReaderAgentState
    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 9)
        select 'Always On transactions still undelivered from primary database ''' +@dbname+ ''' to Secondary replicas. Check the Health of AG nodes and if there is latency is Log block movement to Secondaries' as Recommendation
        select 'select availability_group=cast(ag.name as varchar(30)), primary_replica=cast(ags.primary_replica as varchar(30)),primary_recovery_health_desc=cast(ags.primary_recovery_health_desc as varchar(30)), synchronization_health_desc=cast(ags.synchronization_health_desc as varchar(30)),ag.failure_condition_level, ag.health_check_timeout, automated_backup_preference_desc=cast(ag.automated_backup_preference_desc as varchar(10))  from sys.availability_groups ag join sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states ags on ag.group_id=ags.group_id' as CheckAGHealth
        select 'SELECT  group_name=cast(arc.group_name as varchar(30)), replica_server_name=cast(arc.replica_server_name as varchar(30)), node_name=cast(arc.node_name as varchar(30)),role_desc=cast(ars.role_desc as varchar(30)), ar.availability_mode_Desc, operational_state_desc=cast(ars.operational_state_desc as varchar(30)), connected_state_desc=cast(ars.connected_state_desc as varchar(30)), recovery_health_desc=cast(ars.recovery_health_desc as varchar(30)), synhcronization_health_desc=cast(ars.synchronization_health_desc as varchar(30)), ars.last_connect_error_number, last_connect_error_description=cast(ars.last_connect_error_description as varchar(30)), ars.last_connect_error_timestamp, primary_role_allow_connections_desc=cast(ar.primary_role_allow_connections_desc as varchar(30)) from sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_nodes arc join sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states arcs on arc.replica_server_name=arcs.replica_server_name join sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states ars on arcs.replica_id=ars.replica_id join sys.availability_replicas ar on ars.replica_id=ar.replica_id join sys.availability_groups ag on ag.group_id = arcs.group_id and ag.name = arc.group_name ORDER BY cast(arc.group_name as varchar(30)), cast(ars.role_desc as varchar(30))' as CheckReplicaHealth
        select 'select database_name=cast(drcs.database_name as varchar(30)), drs.database_id, drs.group_id, drs.replica_id, drs.is_local,drcs.is_failover_ready,drcs.is_pending_secondary_suspend, drcs.is_database_joined, drs.is_suspended, drs.is_commit_participant, suspend_reason_desc=cast(drs.suspend_reason_desc as varchar(30)), synchronization_state_desc=cast(drs.synchronization_state_desc as varchar(30)), synchronization_health_desc=cast(drs.synchronization_health_desc as varchar(30)), database_state_desc=cast(drs.database_state_desc as varchar(30)), drs.last_sent_lsn, drs.last_sent_time, drs.last_received_lsn, drs.last_received_time, drs.last_hardened_lsn, drs.last_hardened_time,drs.last_redone_lsn, drs.last_redone_time, drs.log_send_queue_size, drs.log_send_rate, drs.redo_queue_size, drs.redo_rate, drs.filestream_send_rate, drs.end_of_log_lsn, drs.last_commit_lsn, drs.last_commit_time, drs.low_water_mark_for_ghosts, drs.recovery_lsn, drs.truncation_lsn, pr.file_id, pr.error_type, pr.page_id, pr.page_status, pr.modification_time from sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_cluster_states drcs join sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states drs on drcs.replica_id=drs.replica_id and drcs.group_database_id=drs.group_database_id left outer join sys.dm_hadr_auto_page_repair pr on drs.database_id=pr.database_id  order by drs.database_id' as LogMovementHealth
    else if (@log_reuse_wait in (10, 11, 12, 14))
        select 'This state is not documented and is expected to be rare and short-lived' as Recommendation
    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 13)
        select 'The oldest page on the database might be older than the checkpoint log sequence number (LSN). In this case, the oldest page can delay log truncation.' as Finding
        select 'This state should be short-lived, but if you find it is taking a long time, you can consider disabling Indirect Checkpoint temporarily' as Recommendation
        select 'ALTER DATABASE [' +@dbname+ '] SET TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME = 0' as DisableIndirectCheckpointTemporarily
    else if (@log_reuse_wait = 16)
        select 'For memory-optimized tables, an automatic checkpoint is taken when transaction log file becomes bigger than 1.5 GB since the last checkpoint (includes both disk-based and memory-optimized tables)' as Finding
        select 'Review https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlcat/2016/05/20/logging-and-checkpoint-process-for-memory-optimized-tables-2/' as ReviewBlog
        select 'use ' +@dbname+ ' CHECKPOINT' as RunCheckpoint

    FETCH NEXT FROM no_truncate_db into @log_reuse_wait, @log_reuse_wait_desc, @dbname, @database_id, @recovery_model_desc


CLOSE no_truncate_db
DEALLOCATE no_truncate_db


If the database was in recovery when the 9002 error occurred, after resolving the problem, recover the database by using ALTER DATABASE database_name SET ONLINE.

More information about the following two actions is provided below:

  • Backing up the log
  • Completing or killing a long-running transaction

Backing up the log

Under the FULL or BULK_LOGGED recovery model, if the transaction log has not been backed up recently, backup might be what is preventing log truncation. If the log has never been backed up, you must create two log backups to permit the Database Engine to truncate the log to the point of the last backup. Truncating the log frees logical space for new log records. To keep the log from filling up again, take log backups regularly and more frequently. For more information, see Recovery Models.

To review the complete backup history of a database, use the following sample script:

SELECT bs.database_name
, backuptype = CASE 
	WHEN bs.type = 'D' and bs.is_copy_only = 0 THEN 'Full Database'
	WHEN bs.type = 'D' and bs.is_copy_only = 1 THEN 'Full Copy-Only Database'
	WHEN bs.type = 'I' THEN 'Differential database backup'
	WHEN bs.type = 'L' THEN 'Transaction Log'
	WHEN bs.type = 'F' THEN 'File or filegroup'
	WHEN bs.type = 'G' THEN 'Differential file'
	WHEN bs.type = 'P' THEN 'Partial'
	WHEN bs.type = 'Q' THEN 'Differential partial' END + ' Backup'
, bs.recovery_model
, BackupStartDate = bs.Backup_Start_Date
, BackupFinishDate = bs.Backup_Finish_Date
, LatestBackupLocation = bf.physical_device_name
, backup_size_mb = bs.backup_size/1024./1024.
, compressed_backup_size_mb = bs.compressed_backup_size/1024./1024.
, database_backup_lsn -- For tlog and differential backups, this is the checkpoint_lsn of the FULL backup it is based on. 
, checkpoint_lsn
, begins_log_chain
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs	
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bf ON bs.[media_set_id] = bf.[media_set_id]
WHERE recovery_model in ('FULL', 'BULK-LOGGED')
AND bs.backup_start_date > DATEADD(month, -2, sysdatetime()) --only look at last two months
ORDER BY bs.database_name asc, bs.Backup_Start_Date desc;

To create a transaction log backup


If the database is damaged, see Tail-Log Backups (SQL Server).

Discovering long-running transactions

A very long-running transaction can cause the transaction log to fill. To look for long-running transactions, use one of the following:

This dynamic management view returns information about transactions at the database level. For a long-running transaction, columns of particular interest include the time of the first log record (database_transaction_begin_time), the current state of the transaction (database_transaction_state), and the log sequence number (LSN) of the begin record in the transaction log (database_transaction_begin_lsn).

  • DBCC OPENTRAN. This statement lets you identify the user ID of the owner of the transaction, so you can potentially track down the source of the transaction for a more orderly termination (committing it rather than rolling it back).

Kill a transaction

Sometimes you just have to end the process; you may have to use the KILL statement. Please use this statement very carefully, especially when critical processes are running that you don't want to kill. For more information, see KILL (Transact-SQL)

Disk volume is full

In some situations the disk volume that hosts the transaction log file may fill up. You can take one of the following actions to resolve the log-full scenario that results from a full disk:

Free disk space

You might be able to free disk space on the disk drive that contains the transaction log file for the database by deleting or moving other files. The freed disk space allows the recovery system to enlarge the log file automatically.

Move the log file to a different disk

If you cannot free enough disk space on the drive that currently contains the log file, consider moving the file to another drive with sufficient space.


Log files should never be placed on compressed file systems.

See Move Database Files for information on how to change the location of a log file.

Add a log file on a different disk

Add a new log file to the database on a different disk that has sufficient space by using ALTER DATABASE <database_name> ADD LOG FILE. Multiple log files for a single database should be considered a temporary condition to resolve a space issue, not a long-term condition. Most databases should only have one transaction log file. Continue to investigate the reason why the transaction log is full and cannot be truncated. Consider adding temporary additional transaction log files as an advanced troubleshooting step.

For more information see Add Data or Log Files to a Database.

Utility script for recommended actions

These steps can be partly-automated by running this T-SQL script which will identify logs files that using a large percentage of disk space and suggest actions:

DECLARE @log_reached_disk_size BIT = 0

    name LogName, 
    convert(bigint, size)*8/1024 LogFile_Size_MB, 
    available_bytes/1024/1024 Available_Disk_space_MB,
    (convert(bigint, size)*8.0/1024)/(available_bytes/1024/1024 )*100 file_size_as_percentage_of_disk_space,
    db_name(mf.database_id) DbName
FROM sys.master_files mf CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats (mf.database_id, file_id)
WHERE mf.[type_desc] = 'LOG'
    and (convert(bigint, size)*8.0/1024)/(available_bytes/1024/1024 )*100 > 90 --log is 90% of disk drive

if @@ROWCOUNT > 0

    set @log_reached_disk_size = 1

    -- Discover if any logs have are close to or completely filled disk volume they reside on.
    -- Either Add A New File To A New Drive, Or Shrink Existing File
    -- If Cannot Shrink, Go To Cannot Truncate Section

    DECLARE @db_name_filled_disk sysname, @log_name_filled_disk sysname, @go_beyond_size bigint 
    DECLARE log_filled_disk CURSOR FOR
        FROM sys.master_files mf CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats (mf.database_id, file_id)
        WHERE mf.[type_desc] = 'LOG'
            and (convert(bigint, size)*8.0/1024)/(available_bytes/1024/1024 )*100 > 90 --log is 90% of disk drive
        ORDER BY size desc

    OPEN log_filled_disk

    FETCH NEXT FROM log_filled_disk into @db_name_filled_disk , @log_name_filled_disk

        SELECT 'Transaction log for database "' + @db_name_filled_disk + '" has nearly or comletely filled disk volume it resides on!' AS Finding
        SELECT 'Consider using one of the below commands to shrink the "' + @log_name_filled_disk +'" transaction log file size or add a new file to a NEW volume' AS Recommendation
        SELECT 'DBCC SHRINKFILE(''' + @log_name_filled_disk + ''')' AS Shrinkfile_Command
        SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_filled_disk + ' ADD LOG FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_filled_disk + '_new'', FILENAME = N''NEW_VOLUME_AND_FOLDER_LOCATION\' + @log_name_filled_disk + '_NEW.LDF'', SIZE = 81920KB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )' AS AddNewFile
        SELECT 'If shrink does not reduce the file size, likely it is because it has not been truncated. Please review next section below. See https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/t-sql/database-console-commands/dbcc-shrinkfile-transact-sql' AS TruncateFirst
        SELECT 'Can you free some disk space on this volume? If so, do this to allow for the log to continue growing when needed.' AS FreeDiskSpace

         FETCH NEXT FROM log_filled_disk into @db_name_filled_disk , @log_name_filled_disk


    CLOSE log_filled_disk
    DEALLOCATE log_filled_disk


Log size is set to a fixed maximum value

Error 9002 can be generated if the transaction log size has been set to an upper limit and autogrow is not allowed. In this case, enabling autogrow or increasing the log size manually can help resolve the issue. Use this T-SQL command to find such log files and follow the recommendations provided:

SELECT db_name(database_id) DbName,
       name LogName,
       type_desc ,
       convert(bigint, SIZE)*8/1024 LogFile_Size_MB ,
       convert(bigint,max_size)*8/1024 LogFile_MaxSize_MB ,
       (SIZE*8.0/1024)/(max_size*8.0/1024)*100 percent_full_of_max_size
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE file_id = 2
  AND max_size not in (-1, 268435456)
  AND (SIZE*8.0/1024)/(max_size*8.0/1024)*100 > 90

if @@ROWCOUNT > 0
    DECLARE @db_name_max_size sysname, @log_name_max_size sysname, @configured_max_log_boundary bigint 
    DECLARE reached_max_size CURSOR FOR
        SELECT db_name(database_id),
               convert(bigint, SIZE)*8/1024
        FROM sys.master_files
        WHERE file_id = 2
          AND max_size not in (-1,
          AND (SIZE*8.0/1024)/(max_size*8.0/1024)*100 > 90

    OPEN reached_max_size

    FETCH NEXT FROM reached_max_size into @db_name_max_size , @log_name_max_size, @configured_max_log_boundary 

        SELECT 'The database "' + @db_name_max_size+'" contains a log file "' + @log_name_max_size + '" whose max limit is set to ' + convert(varchar(24), @configured_max_log_boundary) + ' MB and this limit has been reached!' as Finding
        SELECT 'Consider using one of the below ALTER DATABASE commands to either change the log file size or add a new file' as Recommendation
        SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_max_size + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_max_size + ''', MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED)' as UnlimitedSize
        SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_max_size + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_max_size + ''', MAXSIZE = something_larger_than_' + CONVERT(varchar(24), @configured_max_log_boundary) +'MB )' as IncreasedSize
        SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_max_size + ' ADD LOG FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_max_size + '_new'', FILENAME = N''SOME_FOLDER_LOCATION\' + @log_name_max_size + '_NEW.LDF'', SIZE = 81920KB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )' as AddNewFile

        FETCH NEXT FROM reached_max_size into @db_name_max_size , @log_name_max_size, @configured_max_log_boundary 


    CLOSE reached_max_size
    DEALLOCATE reached_max_size
    SELECT 'Found no files that have reached max log file size' as Findings

Increase log file size

If space is available on the log disk, you can increase the size of the log file. The maximum size for log files is two terabytes (TB) per log file.

If autogrow is disabled, the database is online, and sufficient space is available on the disk, do either of these:

  • Manually increase the file size to produce a single growth increment.
  • Turn on autogrow by using the ALTER DATABASE statement to set a non-zero growth increment for the FILEGROWTH option.

In either case, if the current size limit has been reached, increase the MAXSIZE value.

See also

Manage the Size of the Transaction Log File
Transaction Log Backups (SQL Server)
sp_add_log_file_recover_suspect_db (Transact-SQL)

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