Kristen Bell On Her Period And Dax Shepard Marriage

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.buzzfeed.com/joyannjeffrey/kristen-bell-dax-shepard-period-marriage
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  1. Celebrity
·Posted 22 hours ago

Kristen Bell Said She And Dax Shepard "Would 100% Not Be Married" If She Didn't "Self-Regulate" On Her Period

“Some women lose control, 100%.”

During a recent appearance on husband Dax Shepard’s podcast, Armchair Expert, the Good Place star explained what it’s like for her to get her period every month.


While talking about the “debilitating” process that women go through, Bell said that she might not have ended up with Shepard if she didn’t check her emotions during PMS.

"We are expected to also self-regulate," Bell said, "and if I acted like I 'wanted to' every time I'm on my period, we would 100% not be married."

"I self-regulate, and women do on their period,” she continued. “Some women lose control, 100%.”

Shepard noted that he’s dated women in the past who had different reactions to getting their periods.


But Bell explained that she's never gone "bananas" on someone because she was taught not to.

"The reason I don't go bananas on my period is because I have been brought up with socialization that has told me,” she explained. “'You will feel bananas a couple of days before your period.’”

“‘Don't scream at everyone, even though that is what you want to do, you can't do that. What is happening to you is in your brain chemistry and your hormones. And you have to know that knowledge is power,’” Bell added.

You can listen to Bell's full conversation on Armchair Expert here.

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  • 21 hours ago
    I cannot tell you how sick I am about reading headlines about their marriage problems. What do they want me to do with this information
  • 21 hours ago
    Many people get more irritable than usual on their period (myself included), but some really do act out in unacceptable ways. I know a girl who would say the cruelest things- like stuff that would ruin relationships- and then just blame it on her period. Good for her for holding herself...
  • 20 hours ago
    Is it bad that I just want them to go ahead and get the divorce already? I don't like giving my opinion on what other people do with their lives but they can only keep displaying signs that their relationship is toxic for so long.

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