I Ordered a Tesla | Voice of the DBA

 2 years ago
source link: https://voiceofthedba.com/2021/08/06/i-ordered-a-tesla/
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I Ordered a Tesla

I did it. I ordered a Tesla Model Y.

Actually, I did this in mid May, after a test drive with my wife. We had been talking about it, and when she said I could seriously consider one, I scheduled a test drive. We went one afternoon, had a “touchless” test drive, where the salesman at the store walked us to the car and then let us take it out.

After we both drove it for 15-20 minutes, we returned and my wife said “why don’t we have one of these?” I agreed, and when we got home, I ordered the car. It was good timing, as I woke up to an announcement that Tesla had raised the price by $500 that morning. Since then they’ve increased the price again, so I’m glad I ordered the car.

I’m writing (and video blogging) about the process from the standpoint of someone that isn’t an early adopter, isn’t necessarily a Tesla fan, but have been watching the evolution of the company and their products. I’ll add more posts about the process as I think of the experience and how I’m approaching it.

For now, I’m expecting the car in the next 30ish days, so I am finally starting to prepare for the delivery of the car. This is the first car I’ve ordered, and it’s both exciting and a little nerve-wracking at times.

It’s a new paradigm, and I have some range anxiety, a bit of cost concern, and anticipation for the driving experience. All of those are affecting my life to some extent.

Here’s the car I ordered:

  • 2021 Model Y, Long Range AWD
  • Metallic gray exterior, black interior
  • 19″ standard wheels
  • 5 Seat, no hitch, no FSD.

It’s going to be interesting, one way or the other.

If you want to see a rambling video version of this post, you can see my “I ordered a Tesla” video on My Colorado Tesla Experience Channel.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK