Heatworks is now accepting orders for its connected countertop dishwasher | Tech...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/90671-heatworks-now-accepting-orders-connected-countertop-dishwasher.html
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Heatworks is now accepting orders for its connected countertop dishwasher

Heatworks' countertop dishwasher looks interesting, but the cost to operate remains a mystery

By Shawn Knight August 4, 2021, 12:48 PM 8 comments

Recap: Remember Tetra, the connected countertop dishwasher that debuted at CES back in 2018? The company behind the creation, Heatworks, has spent the past few years refining the design and has finally opened presales.

The revised machine is now capable of washing and drying three full place settings using just three liters (around 100 ounces) of water. There’s no plumbing required – simply load the dirty dishes, fill the unit with water, select a cleaning cycle and turn it on. Once complete, remove the grey water tank and pour out the wash water.

There are five wash modes including standard, eco, gentle, plastic and fruit. Yes, you can rinse produce in this thing.

Heatworks says the portable unit is ideal for small families, renters, dorm rooms, and those living in tiny houses or RVs. Sounds great, right? Well, maybe.

Tetra utilizes a proprietary “first-of-its-kind dosing and multi-chemistry cleaning cartridge system” that’s good for up to 20 washes before it needs to be changed (traditional detergents can’t be used with the system). Heatworks boasts that its cleaning solution, made by BASF, is more effective than standard detergents and is better for the environment, too.

Heatworks notes that the cost per wash is comparable to any other premium dishwashing detergent, but I was unable to find any specific pricing information. Heatwave did say that users will be able to sign up for a cartridge subscription, "so you're always stocked."

Presale pricing is set at $399 with an anticipated ship date of May 18, 2022. All sales are backed by a one-year warranty.

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