Developing a realtime full stack app with .NET, Angular, and MongoDB

 3 years ago
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Developing a realtime full stack app with .NET, Angular, and MongoDB

By: Michał Niegrzybowski Last updated: Aug 3, 2021 14 min read

In today's tutorial we are going to create a simple retrospective app. It will save information about the discussed topics and show them to users in real time so they can easily see the previous, current, and future topics during the current meeting. The code is written in .NET 5. It’s divided into several services, every one of them responsible for a single context.

We assume that every service should contain health checks, OpenAPI documentation, and is run via

As a data store we are going to use MongoDB.

Architecture of the retrospective app

The application will be divided into 3 services:
Facade is a front-end of an application that directs requests from clients to other services mentioned below.
Topic is responsible for saving retrospective topics to a database (MongoDB).
Notification collects all notifications from other services and pushes them to subscribed services/clients. For the purposes of this demonstration, we can  assume that it works like a push notification.

Communication between each of them is done via publish/subscribe.

Here is the architecture diagram:

The architecture of the app specifies 3 main services – Topic, Notification, and Facade – underpinned by Ably's infrastructures and services.
Architecture diagram for the realtime fullstack app.

To simplify the above, we are going to use an out-of-the-box pub/sub service. Ably fits the bill for reasons that follow.

What is Ably?

Ably delivers several services including pub/sub, history of message persistence, push notifications for mobile apps, among others. It also has a .NET library ready to use.

As a short introduction, I want to describe some base terms used in Ably:

Channel is a source of communication for services/clients which are connected to it.
Message Type is used to distinguish different types of data sent via a single channel. Services can subscribe to a concrete type(s) or to all of them.

Dive to the Code

We can check right now what the code looks like.


The first service, Facade, shows information to a client. Service is written in .NET 5 (C#). It’s a WebAPI with a frontend part written in Angular 8.

OpenAPI and Healthchecks

This service depends only on Ably, because the startup file contains a recipe to check Ably state and generate OpenAPI documentation via Swashbuckle.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var config = Configuration
    var ably = newAblyRealtime(config.ApiKey);

    services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
        .AddHealthChecksUI(s =>

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>

    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
        endpoints.MapHealthChecksUI( setup =>
            newHealthCheckOptions {
                Predicate=( _ => true),

Swagger generates the interface definition for Facade, including 3 methods: POST, PUT, and GET.Swagger-generated method spec for Facade
On the dashboard, you can check the health of the Ably Channel and the Ably Timer (including Description, Duration, and Details fields).
Dashboard view of health checks.


Service contains a single controller with 2 actions: POST and PUT (the GET action is here only for testing purposes). POST creates a topic, PUT updates it.

public async Task<StatusCodeResult> Save([FromBody]CreateDto create)
    var data = new Topic
            name: Name.NewName("name"),
            id: Identifier.NewId(""),
            creator: Creator.NewCreator(create.Creator),
            description: Description.NewDescription(create.Description),
            done: Done.NewDone(false)

    var channel = _ably.Channels.Get(_ablyConfig.Topic.Name);
    var result = await channel.PublishAsync(_ablyConfig.Topic.MessageType,data);
    if (!result.IsFailure)
    return new StatusCodeResult(500);

Looking at the code, we can see that user requests come to a controller action with the DTO object. This object is then transformed into a message that is known by the Topic service. After that, the message is sent via Ably via the topic channel.

Ably registration

Here we use an Ably service which is injected into a controller, but it is worth showing what its registration looks like. We use Autofac as DI and the whole code is below:

public class WebAppModule : Module
    private readonly AblyConfig _config;

    public WebAppModule(AblyConfig config) => _config = config;

    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)

        builder.Register(_ => _config).AsSelf().SingleInstance();
        builder.Register(_ => new AblyRealtime(_config.ApiKey)).AsSelf().SingleInstance();
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder) =>
    builder.RegisterModule(new WebAppModule(Configuration
public class Program
    public static Task Main(string[] args) =>

    private static IHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .UseServiceProviderFactory(new AutofacServiceProviderFactory())
            .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(wb =>
                wb.ConfigureLogging((ctx, lg) =>

The app's user interface (in Angular 8)

The frontend part as mentioned earlier is written in Angular 8. Looking at the code, we have two main Angular components:

Home-component.ts shows the main page with a list of actual topics and a form to add a new topic.
Activity-component.ts shows a page with all user activities.

Home component

The first component which shows the main page is divided into two parts. The first part shows a form to add a new topic which is extracted as a separate component (create-component.ts) and it looks as follows:

export class CreateComponent {
  public model: Create = { Description: "", Creator: "" };
    private readonly http: HttpClient,
    @Inject('BASE_URL') private readonly baseUrl: string) {

  public onSubmit = () =>
      { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json'}})
      .then(_ => this.reset());

  public reset = () =>
    this.model = { Description: "", Creator: "" }
The component view has a form for the Retrospective List app where you can add a new topic as well as mark a topic as
The component view of the Retrospective List.

In the component view, we see a form to create a new topic to discuss. What happens inside the form logic? We map data from a form and send it to the server upon clicking the Submit button.

The second part of the home component contains a table with all topics that were created and discussed. When we create a topic, it doesn't show up immediately on a list because it comes from a server via the Ably channel.

To receive such a message, we attach to an Ably channel (Notification channel).

export class HomeComponent {
  public topics: Topic [];

    private readonly http: HttpClient,
    private readonly changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef,
    @Inject('BASE_URL') private readonly baseUrl: string) {
      .then((e: AblyConfig) => {
        let client = new Ably.Realtime({ key: e.apiKey });
        let channel = client.channels.get(e.push.name);
        channel.subscribe(e.push.messageType, msg => {
            let additionalData = JSON.parse(msg.data).AdditionalData.Item;
            let newRecord = JSON.parse(additionalData);
            this.topics = [newRecord, ...this.topics];

    this.topics = [];

  public markAsDone (model) {
      { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json'}})
      .then(_ => {
        this.topics = this.topics.filter(x => x !== model);

Note that the code needed to create an Ably object, attach to a channel, and listen for an incoming message is very similar to what we show on the server-side.

In short, we fetch the channel, subscribe to it, and when a message of interest comes in we update the model of the home component. Also note the markAsDone method which handles marking a topic as "already discussed" which in turn fires an update on a certain topic.

Activity Feed

The second main component (activity-component.ts) is responsible for showing a history of all events that occurred in the application. It looks similar to the home page, but the messages arrive in a slightly different way.

export class ActivityComponent {
  public activities: Topic [];
    private readonly http: HttpClient,
    private readonly changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef,
    @Inject('BASE_URL') private readonly baseUrl: string) {
      .then((e: AblyConfig) => {
        let client = new Ably.Realtime({ key: e.apiKey });
        let channel = client.channels.get(e.push.name);
        channel.attach(err => {
          channel.history({untilAttach: true}, (error, results) => {
            let isMsg = (maybeMsg: PaginatedResult<Message> | undefined):
              maybeMsg is PaginatedResult<Message> =>
                (maybeMsg as PaginatedResult<Message>) !== undefined;

            if (isMsg(results))
              this.activities =
                  .map(msg => {
                    if (msg.name === e.push.messageType) {
                      let additionalData = JSON.parse(msg.data).AdditionalData.Item;
                      return JSON.parse(additionalData);
                    else {
                      return { Creator: "Server request", Description: "Server request", Id: msg.id, Done: false };
              this.activities = [];

We don't fetch the channel, but directly attach to it and listen to all the messages that have come via this particular channel in the last 24 hours. The persist information is set on the Ably platform per channel. We are not able to set it in a programmatic way, but via the channel page.

Message retention

To set message retention,  we need to go to the Ably dashboard and navigate to the channel page:

On the Channel rules view of the Ably dashboard you can view all the selected presets such as
Channel rules view on the Ably dashboard.
On the Edit Channel Rule page, you can toggle on and off all pertinent settings for your channel, such as
Edit channel rule page on Ably dashboard

Enable "Persist all messages" and that's all.

On the Last Activity dashboard of the Retrospective app you can view the last activities including ID, Owner, and Description.
Last activity dashboard for the Retrospective app

Right now we know how it works on a client and Facade side. We can also forward to the Topic and
Notification services.


Topic is a WebAPI written in .NET 5 (F#). It uses MongoDB as a database. It has 3 main responsibilities:

  1. Receiving and handling messages about new topics.
  2. Saving topics to Database.
  3. Notifying about handled topics.

Handle Ably messages

Topic subscribes to all messages of interest, specifically those that are meant to create or update topics. The main responsibility of service is to handle said messages which are sent via Ably Channel in accordance with the requirements.

member private this.ConfigureHandlers (di: DI) (logger: ILogger<Startup>) =
    let channel = di.ably.Channels.Get di.ablyConfig.Topic.Name
        fun msg ->
            async {
                match! Topic.Application.Topics.Save.trySave di msg.Data CancellationToken.None with
                | Choice1Of2 result -> logger.LogDebug $"Process message: {result}"
                | Choice2Of2 err -> logger.LogError $"Error occurred while processing message: {err}"
            } |> Async.RunSynchronously)

When the new message comes, we receive it and map it to a business model.

type InvalidTopicFormat = exn

module Save =
    let save
        (di: DI)
        token =
        async {
            let! result = Repository.create token di.config topic
            match result with
            | Choice1Of2 (DTOResult.Create data) ->
                let serializedData = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data, Serialization.serializerOpt)
                let (Topic.Contract.Id id) = data.Id
                let msg = {
                    Id = Identifier (Guid.NewGuid())
                    RelatedId = Id id
                    AdditionalData = AdditionalData serializedData
                let channel = di.ably.Channels.Get di.ablyConfig.Notification.Name
                let! pubResult = channel.PublishAsync (di.ablyConfig.Notification.MessageType, msg) |> Async.AwaitTask
                if pubResult.IsFailure then
                    return Choice2Of2 (pubResult.Error.AsException ())
                else return result
            | Choice1Of2 res ->
                di.logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Expected to get a create result, but got something else: {res}")
                return result
            | Choice2Of2 ex ->
                di.logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Error occurred while processing data in repository: {ex.Message}")
                return result
    let trySave
        (di: DI)
        (topic: obj)
        token =
        async {
                let deserializedTopic = (topic :?> JObject).ToObject<Topic>()
                return! save di deserializedTopic token
            with msg ->
                    |> InvalidTopicFormat
                    |> Choice2Of2

Saving data to MongoDB

Then we save it to MongoDB which we run as a docker image (the same way as .NET services).

version: '3'
    image: db
      context: ./storage/mongo
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
      - retrospectiveLocalDb:/data/db
      - retrospectiveLocalDbConfig:/data/configdb
      - '27017-27019:27017-27019'
FROM mongo:4.2.3
COPY init-mongo.js /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
db = db.getSiblingDB('admin')
        user: "admin",
        pwd: "123",
        roles: [
            { role: "readWrite", db: "admin" }

db = db.getSiblingDB('retrospective')
        user: "admin",
        pwd: "123",
        roles: [
            { role: "readWrite", db: "retrospective" }
let private queryDb token config ``type`` (model: Option<Topic>) =
    match ``type`` with
    | TopicOperation.Create ->
        async {
            let fOpt = InsertOneOptions ()

            let! _ =
                connection config
                |> Query.insertOne token fOpt model.Value
            return QueryResult.Create model.Value
    | TopicOperation.Update ->
        async {
            let fOpt = FindOneAndReplaceOptions<Topic> ()
            fOpt.ReturnDocument <- ReturnDocument.After
            let filter =
                Filter.eq (fun (x: Topic) -> x._id) model.Value._id

            let! result =
                connection config
                |> Query.updateWhole token fOpt model.Value filter
            return QueryResult.Update result
    | ...


let private query token config data ``type`` =
    async {
        let! mapped = ToDomain.map data
        return! mapped |> (queryDb token config ``type``)


let create token config data =
    async {
        let! result = query token config (Some data) TopicOperation.Create
        return result |> ToDTO.map
    } |> Async.Catch

The code doesn't look too complicated. Easy maps from object to object and saves to the database. When the save succeeds we want to inform the client application about this fact. Because our project can contain a lot of other services, we created a service that will aggregate all kinds of push messages in one place.

Forward message to Notification

We map all the aggregated messages that were successfully saved to an object acceptable by the
Notification service, and send it to it over the Ably channel. This is done the same way that
Facade sends data to Topic service, except we are using different channels and message types.

match result with
| Choice1Of2 (DTOResult.Create data) ->
    let serializedData = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data, Serialization.serializerOpt)
    let (Topic.Contract.Id id) = data.Id
    let msg = {
        Id = Identifier (Guid.NewGuid())
        RelatedId = Id id
        AdditionalData = AdditionalData serializedData
    let channel = di.ably.Channels.Get di.ablyConfig.Notification.Name
    let! pubResult = channel.PublishAsync (di.ablyConfig.Notification.MessageType, msg) |> Async.AwaitTask
    if pubResult.IsFailure then
        return Choice2Of2 (pubResult.Error.AsException ())
    else return result
| Choice1Of2 res ->
    di.logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Expected to get a create result, but got something else: {res}")
    return result
| Choice2Of2 ex ->
    di.logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Error occurred while processing data in repository: {ex.Message}")
    return result

OpenAPI and HealthChecks

In contrast to Facade, the Topic service depends on two things. The first one is  Ably. The second one is MongoDB which we describe in health checks.

member this.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) =
    let config = Config ()
    this.Configuration.Bind config
    let ably = new AblyRealtime (config.Ably.ApiKey)
    let loggerFactory =
            LoggerFactory.Create(fun builder ->
            builder.AddConsole() |> ignore               
    let logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Startup>()
    let di = DI.create config ably logger
    services.AddSingleton<DI> (fun _ -> di) |> ignore
    this.ConfigureHandlers di logger
    services.AddSwaggerGen(fun c ->
            c.SwaggerDoc("v1", OpenApiInfo(Title = "Topic Api", Version = "v1"))
    ) |> ignore
            "Ably Channel",
            "Ably Timer",
                TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.,
                TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.
        .AddMongoDb((MongoConfig.map config.MongoDb).GetConnectionString(), name = "MongoDB")
    |> ignore
        .AddHealthChecksUI(fun s ->
                .AddHealthCheckEndpoint("Self", $"http://{Dns.GetHostName()}/health")
            |> ignore)
        .AddInMemoryStorage() |> ignore

member this.Configure(app: IApplicationBuilder, env: IWebHostEnvironment) =
    app.UseSwagger(fun opt -> ()) |> ignore
    app.UseSwaggerUI(fun opt ->
            opt.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Topic Api V1")
            opt.RoutePrefix <- String.Empty
    ) |> ignore
    app.UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
            endpoints.MapControllers() |> ignore
            endpoints.MapHealthChecksUI(fun setup ->
                setup.UIPath <- "/ui-health"
                setup.ApiPath <- "/api-ui-health"
            ) |> ignore
                    Predicate = (fun _ -> true),
                    ResponseWriter = Func<HttpContext, HealthReport, Task>(fun (context) (c: HealthReport) -> UIResponseWriter.WriteHealthCheckUIResponse(context, c))
            ) |> ignore
        ) |> ignore
Swagger's definition of the Topic API includes methods such as POST, PUT, and GET.Swagger's Topic API method definition

We also define some HTTP endpoints just for testing purposes. You can see them in the OpenAPI documentation as follows.

On the dashboard, you can check the health of the Ably Channel, the Ably Timer, and MongoDB (including Description, Duration, and Details fields).
Dashboard view of health checks.

Notification Service

Now we can switch to the Notification service. This is again a WebAPI written in .NET 5 (F#).

Handle Ably messages

Similar to the Topic service, the Notification Service attaches to the Ably channel for new messages on the concrete channel and then handles them as they come in.

member private this.ConfigureHandlers (ably: AblyRealtime) (config: AblyConfig) (logger: ILogger) =
    let channel = ably.Channels.Get config.Channels.Notification.Name
        fun msg -> WebApi.Notifications.Save.handle ably config msg.Data logger |> Async.RunSynchronously)

Handling messages in the Notification service basically means mapping a message and then sending it over the Ably channel to all interested clients/services. In our scenario, it is a TypeScript part of Facade.

Forward notification (push) message to all clients

let private serializerOpt =
    let options = JsonSerializerOptions()
        unionEncoding = (
            // Base encoding:
            // Additional options:
            ||| JsonUnionEncoding.UnwrapOption
            ||| JsonUnionEncoding.UnwrapRecordCases
    |> options.Converters.Add

let internal handle (ably: AblyRealtime) (ablyConfig: AblyConfig) (msg: obj) (logger: ILogger) =
        let deserialized = (msg :?> JObject).ToObject<Notification.Contract.Message>()
        async {
            let channel = ably.Channels.Get ablyConfig.Channels.Push.Name
            let msg = JsonSerializer.Serialize(deserialized, serializerOpt)
            let! _ = channel.PublishAsync (ablyConfig.Channels.Push.MessageType, msg) |> Async.AwaitTask
    with er ->
        logger.LogError $"Error occurred while processing notification message: {er.Message}"
        async {
            let channel = ably.Channels.Get ablyConfig.Channels.Push.Name
            let! _ = channel.PublishAsync (ablyConfig.Channels.Push.MessageType, er.Message) |> Async.AwaitTask

By omitting backend code, Facade listens to all notifications. We define a more robust type of message serialization (done by Fsharp.System.Text.Json) because we want to serialize all F#-specific types like Unions and Records to make them easily approachable from via TypeScript.

OpenAPI and Healthchecks

In the end we configure a small part of the startup.fs file where we define health checks and OpenAPI information. Similar to Facade, the Notification service from an external point of view depends only on Ably services.

member this.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) =
    let config = Config ()
    this.Configuration.Bind config
    let ably = new AblyRealtime (config.Ably.ApiKey)
    services.AddSingleton<AblyRealtime>(fun _ -> ably) |> ignore
    services.AddSingleton<Config> (fun _ -> config) |> ignore
    let loggerFactory =
            LoggerFactory.Create(fun builder ->
            builder.AddConsole() |> ignore               
    let logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger();
    this.ConfigureHandlers ably config.Ably logger
    services.AddSwaggerGen(fun c ->
            c.SwaggerDoc("v1", OpenApiInfo(Title = "Notification Api", Version = "v1"))
    ) |> ignore
            "Ably Channel",
            "Ably Timer",
                TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.,
                TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.
        ) |> ignore
        .AddHealthChecksUI(fun s ->
                ) |> ignore)
        .AddInMemoryStorage() |> ignore

member this.Configure(app: IApplicationBuilder, env: IWebHostEnvironment) =
    app.UseSwagger(fun opt -> ()) |> ignore
    app.UseSwaggerUI(fun opt ->
            opt.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Notification Api V1")
            opt.RoutePrefix <- String.Empty
    ) |> ignore
    app.UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
            endpoints.MapControllers() |> ignore
            endpoints.MapHealthChecksUI(fun setup ->
                setup.UIPath <- "/ui-health"
                setup.ApiPath <- "/api-ui-health"
            ) |> ignore
                    Predicate = (fun _ -> true),
                    ResponseWriter = Func<HttpContext, HealthReport, Task>(fun (context) (c: HealthReport) -> UIResponseWriter.WriteHealthCheckUIResponse(context, c))
            ) |> ignore
        ) |> ignore

On the dashboard, you can check the health of the Ably Channel and the Ably Timer (including Description, Duration, and Details fields).
Dashboard view of health checks.


This is the whole "enterprise" application that gives you some picture of how you can use Ably in your app. Source code is available here.

Run all at once

To run the whole app you can simply run docker compose up since the docker-compose file is in place.

version: '3'
    image: db
      context: ./storage/mongo
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
      - retrospectiveLocalDb:/data/db
      - retrospectiveLocalDbConfig:/data/configdb
      - '27017-27019:27017-27019'
    image: topic
      context: ./src
      dockerfile: ./Topic/Dockerfile
      - '2137:80'
      - database
      MongoDB__Host: database
    hostname: topic
    image: notification
      context: ./src
      dockerfile: ./Notification/Dockerfile
      - '2138:80'
    hostname: notification
    image: facade
      context: ./src
      dockerfile: ./Facade/Dockerfile
      - '2111:5000'
      - notification
      - topic
    hostname: facade

As we can see by this simple example of an "enterprise" application we have shown how you can build a realtime full stack app with .NET, Angular, MongoDB, and Ably.

About Ably

Ably is an enterprise-grade pub/sub messaging platform that makes it easy to efficiently design, quickly ship, and seamlessly scale critical realtime functionality delivered directly to end-users. Everyday Ably delivers billions of realtime messages to millions of users for thousands of companies.

The Ably platform is mathematically modelled around Four Pillars of Dependability to ensure messages don’t get lost while still being delivered at low latency over a secure, reliable, and highly available global edge network. Take the Ably APIs for a spin to see why developers from startups to industrial giants choose to build on Ably to simplify engineering, minimize DevOps overhead, and increase development velocity.

Michał Niegrzybowski

Michał Niegrzybowski

Software Craftsman, big fan of functional programming, TDD, DDD, and new fancy libraries/frameworks.

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