Chinese EV maker Nio delivered less than its rivals in July- PingWest

 2 years ago
source link: https://en.pingwest.com/w/9044
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Chinese EV maker Nio delivered less than its rivals in July- PingWest

Chinese EV maker Nio delivered less than its rivals in July

17 hours ago

The electric vehicle brand Nio, which used to be ahead of its competitors Li Auto and Xpeng in terms of monthly deliveries, lagged behind these two competitors in July.

Details: Nio said that it delivered 7,931 vehicles in July, down from the monthly record of 8,083 vehicle deliveries set in June. So far this year, Nio has delivered over 10,000 more cars than each of the two start-ups have respectively. 

Li Auto said Sunday it delivered 8,589 Li One vehicles in July, a monthly record. Xpeng said Monday it also delivered a monthly record of 8,040 vehicles.

Context: The three US-listed Chinese electric car manufacturers are seeking or have already conducted secondary listings in Hong Kong.

On July 7, XPeng raised $1.8 billion in its Hong Kong debut, aiming to bank on the rising investor interest in electric vehicle makers.

Li Auto today said it was looking to raise as much as HK$15.0 billion ($1.93 billion) in the secondary listing in Hong Kong. 

Nio filed for a secondary listing in March, but it has not yet been approved by the HKEX.


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