Nerd Nite #100: The Return!

 2 years ago
source link: https://philadelphia.nerdnite.com/2021/07/29/nerd-nite-100-the-return/
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Nerd Nite #100: The Return!

It has been far, far too long since we’ve been able to celebrate nerdery in Philadelphia with you. But all that will change on August 11th when Nerd Nite Philadelphia returns! We’ve got a special lineup for you to welcome you back:

Flags are Physical Objects
by Simon M. Joseph

Nowadays you’re more likely to interact with a flag emoji than you are with an actual flag. This doesn’t stop these pieces of fabric from existing in the analog world, however. In his triumphant return to Nerd Nite, Simon will go through a few examples of how flags have evolved to meet our changing human needs.

BIO: And now ladies and gentlemen, it is the distinct pleasure of the management to present to you the evening’s star attraction. Here they are back after their exclusive three year tour of Europe, Scandinavia, and the sub continent. Won’t you welcome from Calumet City, Illinois, the show band of… wait, this is the intro from the Blues Brothers! Oh nuts, I’m going to have to come up with a better biographical statement before I hit the character lim

Are Vampires the Elite Class?
by Timothy Wotring

What We Do in the Shadows is a vampire horror-comedy tv show which premiered on FX in 2019, and is based off the movie of its namesake from 2015. It answers that age old question, “What would it be like for eternal vampires to be roommates?” The show is full of gags and goofiness, but it also has something to say about class struggle. The vampires represent the wealthy class who refuse to allow for other economic systems, while the humans continue to struggle under the gaze of late capitalism. Join me as we explore how vampires hoard wealth and power and seek domination over the entire world! It will be bloody fun!

BIO: Timothy is a pastor and lives in Philadelphia, PA. He watches horror year-round and enjoys presenting on pop cultural topics pertaining to horror at conferences!

The 18 Month Doom Scroll
by Jason Tabrys

Life, as it was, during pandemic served as a sort of demented experiment in human behavior under duress and without more direct communication thanks to social media. And as we gather for the first time in a long, long time IRL, pop culture critic Jason Tabrys takes a darkly comedic look at what we learned and what passed for life while on an eternal doom scroll.

BIO: Jason Tabrys is a pop culture critic with a decade’s worth of interviews, essays, performances, and podcasts under his belt that people have paid for (one way or the other).

All this plus a very special performance by SKELETOR!

It all gets underway at 7:30pm at Frankford Hall on Wednesday, August 11th. $10 (cash, Venmo, or crypto only, there is an ATM on site and a Wells Fargo up the street).

Be there and be square, we have missed you so much!

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Joyk means Joy of geeK