Writing an RPG using rg3d - #1 - Character Controller

 3 years ago
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Writing an RPG using rg3d - #1 - Character Controller

Tutorials  · 09 Jul 2021

This tutorial starts the series of tutorials about writing a role-playing game in Rust using rg3d game engine. Strangely, but rg3d has a reputation of an engine for 3D shooters. In this series I’ll try to prove that it is a general purpose game engine.

rg3d version: 0.21
rusty-editor version: 0.9
Source code: GitHub

Table of contents


In this series of tutorials we will make a game similar to The Elder Scrolls series (but much, much smaller indeed), we’ll have a main character, a simple world with intractable items and a few kind of enemies. I’ll show you how to add an inventory, a quests journal, and the quests itself. This series should have at least 5 tutorials, but this might change. At the end of the series we’ll have a playable RPG which you will be able to use to continue making your own game. It is very ambitious, but totally doable with the current state of the engine.

Most of the role-playing games (RPGs for short) using 3rd person camera which allows you to see your character entirely. In this tutorial we’ll make something similar. Check the video with final result of the tutorial:

As you can see, at the end of the tutorial we’ll be able to walk and explore a small fantasy world. Let’s start by creating a new cargo project:

cargo init rpg-tutorial

Add rg3d as dependency:

rg3d = "0.21"


Now let’s create the window and initialize the engine. We’ll skip most engine initialization by using new Framework helper that hides most of the engine initialization and provides unified interface for your games allowing you to focus on your game code. Framework is not mandatory, you may use the previous variant with manual engine initialization and “opened” main loop.

// Import everything we need for the tutorial.
use rg3d::{
    core::{color::Color, futures::executor::block_on, pool::Handle},
    engine::framework::{Framework, GameEngine, GameState},
    event::{DeviceEvent, DeviceId, WindowEvent},

struct Game {
    // Empty for now.

impl GameState for Game {
    fn init(engine: &mut GameEngine) -> Self
        Self: Sized,
        Self {}

    fn on_tick(&mut self, engine: &mut GameEngine, dt: f32) {
        // This method is called at fixed rate of 60 FPS.
        // It will contain all the logic of the game.

fn main() {

It is much easier to initialize the engine now compared to the initialization described in the series of tutorials about writing a 3D shooter. If you run it, you’ll see a window with black background with an “RPG” title.


For any kind of game you need a lot of various assets, in our case we need a 3D model for our character, a set of animations, a level, a set of textures for terrain, trees and bushes, barrels, etc. I prepared all assets as a single ZIP archive which can be downloaded here. Once you’ve downloaded it, unpack it in ./data folder.

Player and camera controller

Now we can start adding Player to our game. Create a folder player under your src directory and add mod.rs with following content:

use crate::player::camera::CameraController;

// Import everything we need for the tutorial.
use rg3d::{
        machine::{Machine, Parameter, PoseNode, State, Transition},
        algebra::{Isometry3, UnitQuaternion, Vector3},
        resource_manager::{MaterialSearchOptions, ResourceManager},
        ColliderHandle, RigidBodyHandle,
    event::{DeviceEvent, ElementState, KeyboardInput, VirtualKeyCode},
        dynamics::{CoefficientCombineRule, RigidBodyBuilder},
    scene::{base::BaseBuilder, node::Node, Scene},

mod camera;

pub struct Player {
    pivot: Handle<Node>,
    model: Handle<Node>,
    camera_controller: CameraController,

impl Player {
    pub async fn new(resource_manager: ResourceManager, scene: &mut Scene) -> Self {
        // Create pivot for our character.
        let pivot = BaseBuilder::new().build(&mut scene.graph);

        // Load paladin 3D model and create its instance in the scene.
        let model = resource_manager

            // Move the model a bit down because its center is at model's feet
            // and we'd get floating model without this offset.
            .set_position(Vector3::new(0.0, -0.75, 0.0))
            // Scale down paladin's model because it is too big. 
            .set_scale(Vector3::new(0.02, 0.02, 0.02));

        // Finally attach the model to the pivot. This will force model to move together with the pivot.
        scene.graph.link_nodes(model, pivot);

        Self {

            // As a final stage create camera controller.
            camera_controller: CameraController::new(&mut scene.graph, resource_manager).await,

Let’s disassemble this heap of code line by line. At first, we’re creating pivot for our character, we’ll use it as a “mounting point” for character’s 3D model, also it will have a physical body, but that will be added later in this tutorial. Next, we’re loading paladin 3D model and creating its instance in the scene, we need only geometry without animations, so we use instantiate_geometry here, animations will be added later in this tutorial. Next we scale the model a bit, because it is too big. Also, we’re moving the model a bit down because its center is at paladin’s feet so when we’re attaching the model to the pivot, it will “stay” on the pivot. We want it to stay on ground, so we’re moving it down by height of the model. Finally, we’re attaching the model to the pivot, forcing the engine to move the model together with pivot. In the end we’re creating camera controller, it needs its own module, so add camera.rs module under src/player with following content:

// Import everything we need for the tutorial.
use rg3d::{
        algebra::{UnitQuaternion, Vector3},
        camera::{CameraBuilder, SkyBox, SkyBoxBuilder},

async fn create_skybox(resource_manager: ResourceManager) -> SkyBox {
    // Load skybox textures in parallel.
    let (front, back, left, right, top, bottom) = rg3d::core::futures::join!(

    // Unwrap everything.
    let skybox = SkyBoxBuilder {
        front: Some(front.unwrap()),
        back: Some(back.unwrap()),
        left: Some(left.unwrap()),
        right: Some(right.unwrap()),
        top: Some(top.unwrap()),
        bottom: Some(bottom.unwrap()),

    // Set S and T coordinate wrap mode, ClampToEdge will remove any possible seams on edges
    // of the skybox.
    let cubemap = skybox.cubemap();
    let mut data = cubemap.as_ref().unwrap().data_ref();


pub struct CameraController {
    pivot: Handle<Node>,
    hinge: Handle<Node>,
    camera: Handle<Node>,

impl CameraController {
    pub async fn new(graph: &mut Graph, resource_manager: ResourceManager) -> Self {
        let camera;
        let hinge;
        let pivot = BaseBuilder::new()
                hinge = BaseBuilder::new()
                            .with_local_position(Vector3::new(0.0, 0.55, 0.0))
                        camera = CameraBuilder::new(
                                    .with_local_position(Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, -2.0))

        Self {

To understand what this code does let’s look closely at this picture:

Camera Layout

The pivot is marked yellow here, the hinge - green, and finally the camera is just a trapeze. Lines with arrows shows how the nodes linked together. As you can see we’re attaching the hinge to the pivot and move it up slightly (usually to the height of the character). Next we’re attaching the camera to the hinge and move it back so in default position it will be behind the character. To understand why we need such layout, let’s find out how we need to move and rotate the camera. We need to rotate the camera around imaginary axis that goes through hinge (“in” the screen on the picture) - in this layout the camera will always look at character’s head and rotate around local hinge’s X axis. So to do that we need to rotate the hinge around X axis, not the camera. Here’s the picture to help your understanding this better.

Camera Layout

That was just one of the axes, now we need to understand how to rotate the camera around Y axis, but preserving the rotation around X axis. This is very simple, we have the pivot for that. Remember that each of the nodes (pivot, hinge, camera) are linked together, so if we’ll rotate the pivot around Y axis the hinge will rotate too as well as the camera. Fow now our camera controller does not have an ability to rotate, we’ll add this later in the tutorial.

Now let’s load a level where our character will “live”, add level.rs with following content:

use rg3d::{
    engine::resource_manager::{MaterialSearchOptions, ResourceManager},
    scene::{node::Node, Scene},

pub struct Level {
    root: Handle<Node>,

impl Level {
    pub async fn new(resource_manager: ResourceManager, scene: &mut Scene) -> Self {
        let root = resource_manager

        Self { root }

This small piece of code just loads the scene I made for this tutorial. It has a terrain and some decorations, including houses, trees, bushes, barrels, etc. The scene was made in the rusty-editor and can be freely edited without any problems. Just open the scene and modify it as you need.

Now we need to “glue” all the pieces (the player, and the level) together, let’s go back to main.rs and change it to the following code:

use crate::{level::Level, player::Player};
use rg3d::{
    core::{color::Color, futures::executor::block_on, pool::Handle},
    engine::framework::{Framework, GameEngine, GameState},
    event::{DeviceEvent, DeviceId, WindowEvent},

mod level;
mod player;

struct Game {
    scene: Handle<Scene>,
    level: Level,
    player: Player,

impl GameState for Game {
    fn init(engine: &mut GameEngine) -> Self
        Self: Sized,
        let mut scene = Scene::new();

        scene.ambient_lighting_color = Color::opaque(150, 150, 150);

        let player = block_on(Player::new(engine.resource_manager.clone(), &mut scene));

        Self {
            level: block_on(Level::new(engine.resource_manager.clone(), &mut scene)),
            scene: engine.scenes.add(scene),

    fn on_tick(&mut self, engine: &mut GameEngine, dt: f32) {
        // This method is called at fixed rate of 60 FPS.
        // It will contain all the logic of the game.

fn main() {

As you can see, everything is pretty straightforward: at first we’re creating a new scene, set its ambient lighting to “daylight”, next we’re creating the player and the level. Finally, we’re adding the scene to the engine and now if you run the game you should see something like this:


For now everything is static, let’s fix that by adding the ability to move the character and rotate the camera.

Camera movement

Let’s start from the camera movement and rotation. We need two new fields in the CameraController:

// An angle around local Y axis of the pivot.
yaw: f32,
// An angle around local X axis of the hinge.
pitch: f32,

Do not forget to initialize them with zeros:

Self {
    yaw: 0.0,
    pitch: 0.0,

Now we need to handle device events coming from the OS to rotate the camera. Add following method to the impl CameraController:

pub fn handle_device_event(&mut self, device_event: &DeviceEvent) {
    if let DeviceEvent::MouseMotion { delta } = device_event {
        const MOUSE_SENSITIVITY: f32 = 0.015;

        self.yaw -= (delta.0 as f32) * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY;
        self.pitch = (self.pitch + (delta.1 as f32) * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY)
            // Limit vertical angle to [-90; 90] degrees range

In this method we use only MouseMotion events, because CameraController does not move - it can only rotate. The method is pretty straightforward. We’re changing yaw and pitch using mouse offsets in two axes. X axis changes yaw, Y axis changes pitch. Pitch should be limited in specific range to prevent camera to rotate 360 degrees around object, we need angle to be in [-90; 90] range.

Once we’ve changed yaw and pitch, we need to apply rotations to the hinge and the camera. To do that, we need to add a new method to the impl CameraController:

pub fn update(&mut self, graph: &mut Graph) {
    // Apply rotation to the pivot.

    // Apply rotation to the hinge.

It is a very simple method, it borrows nodes, and applies rotations around specific axes. Now we need to call those two methods from somewhere. The most suitable place is impl Player, because Player owns an instance of CameraController:

pub fn handle_device_event(&mut self, device_event: &DeviceEvent) {

pub fn update(&mut self, scene: &mut Scene) {
    self.camera_controller.update(&mut scene.graph);

For now both methods are just proxies, but it will be changed pretty soon. Now we need to call the proxies, but from where? The most suitable place is on_tick and on_device_event of the GameState trait implementation for our Game structure:

fn on_tick(&mut self, engine: &mut GameEngine, dt: f32) {
    let scene = &mut engine.scenes[self.scene];


fn on_device_event(
    &mut self,
    _engine: &mut GameEngine,
    _device_id: DeviceId,
    event: DeviceEvent,
) {

Now you can run the game, and the camera should rotate when you’re moving your mouse. Now it’s the time to add an ability to walk for our character.

Player locomotion

Our player still can’t move, in this section we’ll fix it. Player’s movement for third person camera differs from the movement of first person. For the third person camera we must move the player either where the camera looks or according to pressed keys on the keyboard. Let’s start by adding input controller, it will hold info about needed movement:

struct InputController {
    walk_forward: bool,
    walk_backward: bool,
    walk_left: bool,
    walk_right: bool,

Add new field to the Player:

input_controller: InputController,

And initialize it with Default::default in the Player::new:

Self {
    input_controller: Default::default(),

Now we need to change the state of the input controller, to do that we’ll use keyboard events. Add following method to the impl Player:

pub fn handle_key_event(&mut self, key: &KeyboardInput) {
    if let Some(key_code) = key.virtual_keycode {
        match key_code {
            VirtualKeyCode::W => {
                self.input_controller.walk_forward = key.state == ElementState::Pressed
            VirtualKeyCode::S => {
                self.input_controller.walk_backward = key.state == ElementState::Pressed
            VirtualKeyCode::A => {
                self.input_controller.walk_left = key.state == ElementState::Pressed
            VirtualKeyCode::D => {
                self.input_controller.walk_right = key.state == ElementState::Pressed
            _ => (),

Now we need to call this method, we’ll do it from on_window_event in the GameState trait implementation for our Game:

fn on_window_event(&mut self, _engine: &mut GameEngine, event: WindowEvent) {
    match event {
        WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input, .. } => {
        _ => (),

Ok, now we have input controller functioning. Now we can start adding movement logic to the player. Let’s start by adding a physical body to the player. We’ll use a capsule rigid body with locked rotations for that. Add these lines somewhere in Player::new:

// Create new rigid body and offset it a bit to prevent falling through the ground.
let body = scene.physics.add_body(
        .position(Isometry3::translation(0.0, 2.0, 0.0))

// Create capsule collider with friction disabled. We need to disable friction because linear
// velocity will be set manually, but the physics engine will reduce it using friction so it
// won't let us to set linear velocity precisely.
let capsule = ColliderBuilder::capsule_y(0.55, 0.25)
let collider = scene.physics.add_collider(capsule, &body);

// Finally bind the pivot with the body.
scene.physics_binder.bind(pivot, body);

Now, once our character has physical body, we can move it. Add these lines to the end of Player::update:

let pivot = &scene.graph[self.pivot];

let look_vector = pivot

let side_vector = pivot

let position = **pivot.local_transform().position();

let mut velocity = Vector3::default();

if self.input_controller.walk_right {
    velocity -= side_vector;
if self.input_controller.walk_left {
    velocity += side_vector;
if self.input_controller.walk_forward {
    velocity += look_vector;
if self.input_controller.walk_backward {
    velocity -= look_vector;

let speed = 1.35 * dt;
let velocity = velocity
    .and_then(|v| Some(v.scale(speed)))

let body = scene.physics.bodies.get_mut(&self.body).unwrap();

// Apply linear velocity.
    Vector3::new(velocity.x / dt, body.linvel().y, velocity.z / dt),

// Lock any angular movement of the player's body.
body.set_angvel(Default::default(), true);

let is_moving = velocity.norm_squared() > 0.0;
if is_moving {
    // Since we have free camera while not moving, we have to sync rotation of pivot
    // with rotation of camera so character will start moving in look direction.
    let mut current_position = *body.position();
    current_position.rotation =
        UnitQuaternion::from_axis_angle(&Vector3::y_axis(), self.camera_controller.yaw);
    body.set_position(current_position, true);

    // Apply additional rotation to model - it will turn in front of walking direction.
    let angle: f32 = if self.input_controller.walk_left {
        if self.input_controller.walk_forward {
        } else if self.input_controller.walk_backward {
        } else {
    } else if self.input_controller.walk_right {
        if self.input_controller.walk_forward {
        } else if self.input_controller.walk_backward {
        } else {
    } else if self.input_controller.walk_backward {
    } else {

        .set_rotation(UnitQuaternion::from_axis_angle(&Vector3::y_axis(), angle.to_radians()));

// Sync camera controller position with player's position.
    .set_position(position + velocity);

There is lots of code, let’s thoroughly go through. At first, we’re getting two vectors from the pivot: X and Z axes of the global transform of the pivot. We’ll use them to move the character. Next we’re using the state of the input controller to form a new velocity vector. Then we’re normalizing velocity vector and multiply it with desired speed of movement. Normalization is needed to make the vector unit length to prevent speed variations in various directions. Next we’re applying the velocity to the rigid body, also we’re locking any angular movement to prevent player’s capsule from tilting.

If the player is not moving, we’re not syncing its rotation with camera’s rotation - this allows us to look at the character from any side while not moving. However, if the player is moving, we must sync its rotation with the rotation of the camera controller. If we’d do this straightforward (by just syncing rotations) it would look very unnatural, especially in case of side movements. To fix this we have this large chain of if..else that selects appropriate additional rotation for the player’s model. This rotation allows us, for example, look forward and move the character backwards.

As the final step we’re syncing position of the camera controller with the position of the pivot. Now if you run the game you’ll be able to walk around using [W][S][A][D] keys. However, it looks very ugly - the character’s model is in T-pose, let’s fix this.


At this point our character can move, and we can rotate the camera around it, but the character is still in T-pose and does not have any animation. In this section we’ll animate it. To keep this tutorial at reasonable length, we’ll add just an idle and walk animations and smooth transitions between them. Add following code at the end of player.rs:

// Simple helper method to create a state supplied with PlayAnimation node.
fn create_play_animation_state(
    animation_resource: Model,
    name: &str,
    machine: &mut Machine,
    scene: &mut Scene,
    model: Handle<Node>,
) -> (Handle<Animation>, Handle<State>) {
    // Animations retargetting just makes an instance of animation and binds it to
    // given model using names of bones.
    let animation = *animation_resource
        .retarget_animations(model, scene)
    // Create new PlayAnimation node and add it to machine.
    let node = machine.add_node(PoseNode::make_play_animation(animation));
    // Make a state using the node we've made.
    let state = machine.add_state(State::new(name, node));
    (animation, state)

pub struct AnimationMachineInput {
    // Whether a bot is walking or not.
    pub walk: bool,

pub struct AnimationMachine {
    machine: Machine,

impl AnimationMachine {
    // Names of parameters that will be used for transition rules in machine.
    const IDLE_TO_WALK: &'static str = "IdleToWalk";
    const WALK_TO_IDLE: &'static str = "WalkToIdle";

    pub async fn new(
        scene: &mut Scene,
        model: Handle<Node>,
        resource_manager: ResourceManager,
    ) -> Self {
        let mut machine = Machine::new();

        // Load animations in parallel.
        let (walk_animation_resource, idle_animation_resource) = rg3d::core::futures::join!(

        // Now create two states with different animations.
        let (_, idle_state) = create_play_animation_state(
            &mut machine,

        let (walk_animation, walk_state) = create_play_animation_state(
            &mut machine,

        // Next, define transitions between states.
            // A name for debugging.
            // Source state.
            // Target state.
            // Transition time in seconds.
            // A name of transition rule parameter.

        // Define entry state.

        Self { machine }

    pub fn update(&mut self, scene: &mut Scene, dt: f32, input: AnimationMachineInput) {
            // Set transition parameters.
            .set_parameter(Self::WALK_TO_IDLE, Parameter::Rule(!input.walk))
            .set_parameter(Self::IDLE_TO_WALK, Parameter::Rule(input.walk))
            // Update machine and evaluate final pose.
            .evaluate_pose(&scene.animations, dt)
            // Apply the pose to the graph.
            .apply(&mut scene.graph);

This is a simple animation blending machine, for more info check “Animations” section of “Writing a 3D shooter using rg3d #3” tutorial, it has detailed explanation how animation blending machines work. In short, here we’re loading two animations, and create two transitions between them and then applying final pose to the character.

Now we need to create an instance of the AnimationMachine, add a field to the Player:

animation_machine: AnimationMachine,

And initialize it in the Player::new, before camera_controller:

animation_machine: AnimationMachine::new(scene, model, resource_manager.clone()).await,

The last thing we need to do is to update animation machine each frame, we’ll do this in Player::update, at the end of the method:

        .update(scene, dt, AnimationMachineInput { walk: is_moving });

Now if you run the game, you should see the character idling if not moving, and it should play “walking” animation if moving. That’s it for this tutorial, in the next tutorial we’ll “teach” the character to use swords.


In this tutorial we’ve learned how create a walking character. Created simple character controller and walked on the scene. I hope you liked this tutorial, and if so, please consider supporting the project on Patreon or do a one-time donation via BuyMeACoffee. The source code for this tutorial is available on GitHub.

Discussion: Reddit, Discord.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK