Windows 11 Won’t Be a Forced Upgrade for Windows 10 Users

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/windows-11-won-t-be-a-forced-upgrade-for-windows-10-users-533476.shtml
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Microsoft says it’ll be a seeker-initiated update

Microsoft has already confirmed that Windows 11 would be offered as a free upgrade for certain eligible Windows 10 devices, and now the company has returned with additional information on how this release is supposed to take place.

Microsoft explains that Windows 11 will land via Windows Update on Windows 10 devices, but to get the update, users need to manually check for updates on their devices.

In other words, Windows 11 won’t be a forced upgrade on Windows 10 devices, so if you want to remain on the current operating system, that’s quite alright. Though, to be honest, if your device supports Windows 11, there’s no reason not to install it, especially given it brings so many substantial improvements.

New Windows 10 feature update coming

“For consumers we will continue to provide choices for control and transparency related to device updates. This includes the ability to schedule a restart, pause an update, and have full control over which optional updates to install. The feature update process for Windows 10 to Windows 11 will be a user-initiated ‘seeker’ process to choose to update to Windows 11,” Microsoft says.

“For users who are not eligible for Windows 11 due to the hardware requirements, the seeking experience will not be available. You can find more information on device and hardware requirements here. We will continue to document all our releases and updates with release notes (in 36 languages) and share information on releases via the Windows release health hub.”

Windows 10 will continue to be supported until October 2025, so if you don’t want to make the switch to Windows 11, your computer will still get security updates and other improvements for four more years. A new Windows 10 feature update is also coming this fall, though don’t expect Microsoft to focus too much on significant improvements in the long term.

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