CEO Spotlight: How the Pandemic is Changing the Corporate View on Health with Ma...

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/07/19/ceo-spotlight-how-the-pandemic-is-changing-the-corporate-view-on-health-with-marco-laterza/
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CEO Spotlight: How the Pandemic is Changing the Corporate View on Health with Marco Laterza

Marco Laterza - Executive Personal Trainer | Corporate Health & Life Coach

In wake of the subsiding covid pandemic, one trend that we’ve seen across the corporate world is the implementation of new corporate health platforms and resources for employees.

While many businesses and companies are more accommodating in the event covid, the corporate world has seen first-hand how traumatic the events of a global pandemic have impacted mental health as well as physical health.

Long-time fitness model Marco Laterza is emerging as a leader in the corporate health space, offering companies the resources to expand their health benefits by offering additional services in order to produce happy, healthy employees who are operating at their maximum productivity.

Coming from a corporate background himself, Laterza once worked as a banker in wealth management. After his corporate tenure, the fitness aficionado pursued a career in fitness and health, later landing over 20 fitness magazine covers, including Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Health, and Muscle and Performance.

But as he was long familiar with the hustle and grind of the business-focused world, with his corporate experience as well as his health and fitness experience, the health expert is quickly gaining recognition for the impact he’s having on corporate communities. Offering a range of services that includes one-on-one training, virtual sessions, counselling, dietary advice, corporate speaking, and mental health support, Laterza is eager to reveal just how impactful a health-based support system can be not just to individuals, but to companies as a whole.

“I really strive to help businesses and companies design effective programs that benefit an employee’s physical and mental health,” Laterza says. “From encouraging better eating habits to helping maximize productivity to helping maintain mental health needs, I’m aiming to help businesses evolve their health services to newer and better standards.”

As the world is finally starting to realize the importance of full body and mind health, Laterza’s services are sure to be the start of a new health movement in the workplace. Eager to show how effective and benefitting corporate health services and resources can be to the workforce, Laterza looks forward to changing lives for the better. To learn more about Marco Laterza, visit his website or LinkedIn, or follow him on Instagram.

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