bundletool/code_transparency.proto at master · google/bundletool · GitHub

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/google/bundletool/blob/master/src/main/proto/code_transparency.proto
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28 lines (24 sloc) 624 Bytes

syntax = "proto3";

package android.bundle;

option java_package = "com.android.bundle";

// Code transparency related metadata. message CodeTransparency { // List of code-related files in the bundle. repeated CodeRelatedFile code_related_file = 1; }

message CodeRelatedFile { enum Type { DEX = 0; NATIVE_LIBRARY = 1; } // Path to file in the bundle. // Required. string path = 1; // Type of code-related file. // Required. Type type = 2; // Path to file in the APK. Only set for NATIVE_LIBRARY types. string apk_path = 3; // SHA256 digest of the code-related file. string sha256 = 4; }

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