Setup and Customize Bootstrap in Next.js

 2 years ago
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Setup and Customize Bootstrap in Next.js

Jul 10 Originally published at ravsam.in on Jul 9

・2 min read

Learn how to improve the look and feel of the Next project by configuring the default Bootstrap behaviour.

A few months back, we wrote a blog on how to add and customize Bootstrap in Nuxt.js. Today, we will learn how to set up Bootstrap in a Next.js project. We will also install react-bootstrap to use Bootstrap based React components.


  • 1. Installing Bootstrap
  • 2. Creating a Custom SCSS
  • 3. Configuring Next Config
  • 4. Importing Bootstrap

1. Installing Bootstrap

Let us get started by installing the required NPM packages. We will install bootstrap and optionally react-bootstrap.

Since we are going to create custom SCSS files, we also need to install node-sass.

npm install --save bootstrap react-bootstrap node-sass
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2. Creating a Custom SCSS

Let us now create a custom scss file in the styles/scss directory, and name it global.scss. In this file, we need to import Bootstrap’s bootstrap.scss. For the sake of simplicity, let us override the default colour system provided by Bootstrap.

$theme-colors: (
  'primary': #145bea,
  'secondary': #833bec,
  'success': #1ce1ac,
  'info': #ff7d50,
  'warning': #ffbe0b,
  'danger': #ff007f,
  'light': #c0ccda,
  'dark': #001738,

@import '/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';
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3. Configuring Next Config

The best part about the newer versions of Next is that they provide built-in SASS/SCSS support. All we need to tell Next is where our styles are stored by configuring the next.config.js and adding the following piece of code:

const path = require('path')

module.exports = {


  sassOptions: {
    includePaths: [path.join(__dirname, 'styles')],
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4. Importing Bootstrap

The final step is to import our custom Bootstrap into our project. Based on where we need to use the custom styles, we can import our global.scss. In this example, let us configure it to be used by the entire project.

In pages/_app.js file, we need to add the following code:

import 'styles/scss/global.scss' // added

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp
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We have done it. We have set up Bootstrap in our Next project.

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