What is the best way to save images in Parse?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/what-is-the-best-way-to-save-images-in-parse.html
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What is the best way to save images in Parse?


What am I trying to achieve: Based on some filters by the app user, I want to return a list with text and images.

How am I doing it: I have created a table in Parse and have added a column with object type as 'file'. I have put all the jpg/gif images into that column. (double-click, browse, select image from local computer).

The trouble I am having is, the list takes considerable time (~7 seconds) before it is displayed on my android app.

Is there a better way of handling image data within Parse or should I store images somewhere else (like Amazon S3)?

I am using standard queries for Parse in order to get data, nevertheless, am also checking if there is any code latency. Wanted to confirm if I am correctly handling the image data for back-end or not.

Is there a better way of handling image data within Parse or should I store images somewhere else (like Amazon S3)?

If your images is not too much or you are using for example(five image) its better to save the into the Assets or Drawable Folder for loading. and if i correctly knows about this problem, you need to use ProgressBar and one image, before loading the Images in Internet.

Caching images and displaying

Hope this helps.

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