Partner Spotlight: Coastal Cloud drives transformation with TIBCO Cloud Integrat...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.tibco.com/blog/2021/06/22/partner-spotlight-coastal-cloud-drives-transformation-with-tibco-cloud-integration/
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Partner Spotlight: Coastal Cloud drives transformation with TIBCO Cloud Integration
TIBCO Cloud Integration Partner Spotlight
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is your business looking to take full advantage of modern digital technologies to automate processes, accelerate innovation and engage with clients in new ways? But do you lack the expertise to turn these goals into reality? Working with an experienced partner can help bridge that gap and help your business identify the optimal strategy that returns the most value from your digital investments. At TIBCO, we recognize the importance of our vast network of experienced and innovative partners that help drive success for our mutual clients. 

An excellent example of this can be seen in our partnership with Coastal Cloud, a system integrator with deep expertise across the Salesforce ecosystem as well as industry expertise across industries like healthcare, life sciences, government, nonprofits, and manufacturing. Coastal Cloud helps its clients with every step of the digital transformation journey, from strategic planning and implementation to education and continuous support.

Access Coastal Cloud expertise within TIBCO Cloud Integration 

When Coastal Cloud helps clients move to the Salesforce platform, it typically needs to integrate with other business systems or migrate from legacy systems. Without the right expertise and tools, this type of project can be risky, resulting in data inconsistencies or even business interruptions. Working with Coastal Cloud can help ensure a smooth transition without any disruption to your business operations. 

This extensive experience in Salesforce integrations is now available to all TIBCO Cloud Integration users, with a single click, through open-source solutions available in the embedded marketplace. One example is Coastal Cloud’s Salesforce Sandbox Seeding App which helps users fill their development sandbox with production data. This allows developers to more rigorously test new features with realistic data to reduce the risk of data-related errors when deploying into production. And Coastal Cloud plans to expand its offerings on the Marketplace to provide additional templates to help solve common challenges in the Salesforce ecosystem. 

Coastal Cloud and TIBCO partner to solve complex integration challenges

Coastal Cloud needs a strong integration partner to solve the wide range of unique challenges it encounters across its hundreds of clients. In the video below, Mike Ackerman, Senior Technical Architect at Coastal Cloud, and Todd Bailey, Director of Product Management at TIBCO, sat down to discuss why Coastal Cloud partnered with TIBCO. 

According to Ackerman, TIBCO Cloud Integration met all of Coastal Cloud’s key technical requirements with broad architectural and deployment flexibility. TIBCO Cloud Integration allows Coastal Cloud to quickly address a wide variety of use cases using an easy-to-use declarative interface while still providing the advanced, programmable capabilities needed to address more complex problems. 

TIBCO Cloud Integration allows Coastal Cloud to quickly address a wide variety of use cases using an easy-to-use declarative interface while still providing the advanced, programmable capabilities needed to address more complex problems.  Click To Tweet

However, equally important is the collaborative relationship built between Coastal Cloud and TIBCO. In the words of Mike, “The support we’ve gotten from the TIBCO partner channel has just been amazing. We get great training for our consultants, we get world-class support, and great documentation to back up the product.”To hear more about Coastal Cloud’s partnership with TIBCO, watch the full conversation here:

If you are in need of expert Salesforce consulting, reach out to Coastal Cloud here

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