Self Test by Ahead App

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/self-test-by-ahead-app
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Receive anonymous & honest feedback on your social skills
Unconscious bias – the Dunning Kruger Effect – is responsible for our misconception of believing we are better at things than we actually are.
Use this test to figure out how good you really are at receiving feedback, convincing others, staying calm, etc.
Featured 11h ago
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Founding-team @ahead

👋 Hey Product Hunt! I'm Chris, part of the founding team at ahead.

Thank you @chrismessina for the hunt.

At ahead, we are helping people become more emotionally intelligent.

To do so, we are working on an App serving you as a personalized pocket coach that provides bite-sized, science-driven tools to boost emotional intelligence.

Until our App-launch, we are building side-products like the 'Do You Know Yourself' so you can get started with your personal growth journey already today.

The first step in everyone's personal development should be to assess the status quo. Knowing where you should improve is critical for personal growth.

👉 A Harvard study found out, 95% of people believe they are self-aware, yet only 10-15% actually are.

Everyone believes of themselves to be charismatic, great at convincing others & calm in hectic situations. But are you really? We built this test to ask for honest & anonymous feedback from your friends, family & co-workers.

Go ahead & take the test. You might be surprised by the feedback you collect! And don't be shy to distribute the test in different social groups. As you might know, we behave differently in various settings & social gatherings.

In a nutshell: 👉 10 questions on social capabilities 👉 Ask for honest & anonymous feedback 👉 Your feedback provider do not see your responses

We are looking forward to receiving your thoughts & feedback on this.

Cheers, Chris & the ahead-team

@chrismessina @christoph_fi wow. I was just talking about soft skills niche yesterday!
Founding-team @ahead
@eugenehp It is a fascinating field & more and more scientific research is being done on emotional intelligence. Studies find people with high emotional intelligence have better human relationships, are happier and are more successful in their careers.

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