Webinar: How much of the search market do you really own?

 2 years ago
source link: https://searchengineland.com/webinar-how-much-of-the-search-market-do-you-really-own-350175
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Webinar: How much of the search market do you really own?

Google search expert explains the importance of Share of Search.

Cynthia Ramsaran on July 1, 2021 at 4:35 pm

Share of voice was once the go-to indicator for overall market share. But in the age of digital advertising, accurately quantifying SoV became impossible.

In a recent interview, Les Binet, group head of effectiveness at Adam&eveDDB, outlined his pioneering pursuit of an alternative metric suitable for the digital era. He determined that Share of Search provided the best proxy.

In this webinar, Ashley Fletcher, Adthena’s VP of Marketing, discusses why Share of Search is your new guiding light. Learn the importance of how SoS reflects market share (or imminent market share growth), as people are more likely to seek information on things they already have or are about to buy.

Register today for “Share of Search: How Much of the Market Do You Really Own?” presented by Adthena.

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