Threat Update 45 – Ransomware Early Warning: AD Attacks

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.varonis.com/blog/threat-update-45-ransomware-early-warning-ad-attacks/
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Threat Update 45 – Ransomware Early Warning: AD Attacks

Incident Response, Threat Detection

Inside Out Security Blog » Threat Detection » Threat Update 45 – Ransomware Early Warning: AD Attacks

Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Updated: 7/2/2021

Once ransomware gangs establish a foothold in an organization, the next move is often to compromise additional accounts and escalate their privileges — which puts Active Directory squarely in their sights.

Attackers leverage a number of techniques, but two of the most common are password spray attacks and Kerberoasting. Join Kilian and Kyle Roth from the Varonis Incident Response team as they discuss how and why attackers leverage each technique and look at a real-life example of each type of attack from one of our attack lab scenarios.

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Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Kilian has a background in enterprise security engineering, as well as security solution selling. Kilian is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and creates internal and public content on topics related to cyber security and technology best practices.

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