Robinhood reveals it lost $1.4bn to GameStop chaos as it files for IPO

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2021/07/01/robinhood-reveals-lost-14bn-gamestop-chaos-files-ipo/
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Robinhood reveals it lost $1.4bn to GameStop chaos as it files for IPO

The trading app will reserve up to 35pc of its float shares for its customers, who now have $81bn of assets in its custody

By Io Dodds, Business Reporter,

San Francisco

2 July 2021 • 12:55am

Robinhood made a loss of $1.4bn (£1bn) in the first three months of this year amid the GameStop chaos, the stock trading app revealed as it applies to go public....

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