Effective Report: Ways to write an Effective report

 3 years ago
source link: https://blog.usejournal.com/how-do-write-a-report-an-effective-report-e42a12ec70d3
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Effective Report: Ways to write an Effective report


Writing a report is a useful opportunity to evaluate the project, document the lessons learned, and expand a company’s knowledge base for future projects. Try these steps to write better reports / project reports.

A report discusses a particular problem in detail. It brings significant and reliable information to the limelight of top management in an organization.

  1. Write in paragraphs. Organizing information in groups has two important benefits: Your report is more logical, and it’s easier to read and understand later on.

2. Structure the Report

A report typically has four elements:

  • Executive Summary. Your report will begin with the summary, which is written once the report is finished. As the first item the reader encounters, this is the most important section of the document. They will likely use the summary to decide how much of the report they need to read so make it count!
  • Introduction: Provide a context for the report and outline the structure of the contents. Identify the scope of the report and any particular methodologies used
  • Body: It’s now time to put your writing skills to work! This is the longest section of the report and should present background details, analysis, discussions, and recommendations for consideration. Draw upon data and supporting graphics to support your position
  • Conclusion: Bring together the various elements of the report in a clear and concise manner. Identify the next steps and any actions that your reader needs to take.

3. Edit. The first draft of the report is rarely perfect, leaving you to edit and revise the content. If possible, set this document aside for a few days before reviewing it, or ask a colleague to review it.

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4. Use active voice. A common misconception is that passivity guarantees objectivity and accuracy. However, it is not true. Writing a sentence like „A gun was seen under the bed“ does not guarantee that you are telling the truth. It’s a lot easier to just write „I saw a gun under the bed“. You’d rather read that on someone else’s report, too, wouldn’t you?

5. Understand your audience. Writing a formal annual report for your stakeholders is very different from a financial audit. Customize your language, data usage, and supporting graphics to suit the audience. It also makes sense to take into account the reader’s personal communication style, for example how does he write emails or structure documents? If possible, reflect on their preferences. You may need to find a more formal or informal tone for your own natural style. You use this technique to build a relationship and make the reader more receptive to your ideas

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