Season 4 Finale: Stories We’re Watching This Summer and a Mega-Round of Recommen...

 3 years ago
source link: https://hbr.org/podcast/2021/06/season-4-finale-stories-were-watching-this-summer-and-a-mega-round-of-recommendations
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Stories We’re Watching This Summer and a Mega-Round of Recommendations
After Hours
Listen | 1:04:27
June 30, 2021

Youngme, Mihir, Felix, Rebecca, and Rawi share the stories they will be watching this summer, before doing a mega-round of recommendations for things to read, watch, listen, and do.

Each week, the hosts give their recommendations for reading, watching, and more. Here are This Week’s Picks:

You can visit our website at HarvardAfterHours.com. You can email your comments and ideas for future episodes to:  [email protected].  You can follow Youngme, Mihir, Rebecca, and Rawi on Twitter at: @YoungmeMoon, @DesaiMihirA, @RebeccaReCap, and @RawiAbdelal.

HBR Presents is a network of podcasts curated by HBR editors, bringing you the best business ideas from the leading minds in management. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harvard Business Review or its affiliates.

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