How to Contact the Ariba Supplier Team

 3 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/06/29/how-to-contact-the-ariba-supplier-team/
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Product Information
Posted on June 29, 2021 2 minute read

How to Contact the Ariba Supplier Team

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Do you want to contact SAP Ariba Supplier support? If so, you may notice that the layout has recently changed .

Check out this video which shows you how to get to the Ariba Help Centre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzdOy9OrAvE

How can I access Ariba Support without logging in?

If you cannot log in, don’t worry! You will still able to access the Ariba Help Centre by following these steps:

First, go to https://service.ariba.com/ and select Supplier

Then, click on the question mark in the top right-hand corner of the screen:


A new column will appear on the right-hand side of your screen. When this appears, select the Headset icon for Support:


Once you have done this, a new window will appear which means you’ve reached the Ariba Help Centre. Here you can search, review content, and follow guided answers to help you find the correct support options.

If the documentation suggested doesn’t solve your query, you have the option to request a call-back directly from the Ariba team.

How to request a Call Back?

You just need to go to the Contact Us tab, where you can choose from 4 general topics depending on the issue you’re having:

  • Register on Ariba Network
  • Reset my password
  • Forgot username
  • Unsubscribe

If none of the above match your issue, select the one which is most closely related.


From there, you may be asked some questions about your issue and links will be suggested based on your replies.

If they don’t solve your issue, you can click the Contact us button at the bottom of the screen and request a call-back from the Ariba team via a webform which looks like this:


How to Request a Call Back in another Language?

As you can see in the screenshot above, there is an option to change the language at the top of the call back form. Here you can select your language and the call back form will then be displayed in that language.

How to Request Support for Ariba Buyers?

If you are a Buyer, you can check out this post which outlines the support options available: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/01/06/how-to-access-sap-ariba-support/

If you need assistance accessing the Ariba Supplier Help Centre, you can contact the Customer Interaction Center  for guidance through the steps.

Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions, please post in the Q&A section here: All Questions in Customer Experience | SAP Community and All Questions in Support Services | SAP Community

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