Highchart plotLines z Index between series z Index

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/highchart-plotlines-z-index-between-series-z-index.html
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Highchart plotLines z Index between series z Index


I am trying to create a fiddle, mocking up the image attached


in following jsfiddle


The problem is I want the plotLines between blue line and green column. I tried changing the zIndexes of plotLines (10) , between blue line (15) and green column (5) in following fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/2TuCW/163/

//plotLines zIndex
"plotLines" : [
            "color": '#E5E7EB',
            "zIndex": 10,
            "width":    2,
            "value": 20 


//Series data z-index
    "series": [{
        "data": [35,39,49,50,57,58],
    "series": [{
        "data": [35,39,49,50,57,58],

But it is not working as expected. Please suggest how to achieve it.

It is related with fact that all series have the same zIndex.

Related topic: https://github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/issues/3321

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