Android TV Home - Apps on Google Play

 3 years ago
source link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.tvlauncher&showAllReviews=true
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User reviews

Aaron Perry
June 24, 2021
I purchased two premium-priced Nvidia Shield TV's and loved them until yesterday. That was the day Google began forcing huge dominating ads on the home screen. These ads are for content in services that I haven't eve subscribed to or installed, they're totally irrelevant and obnoxious, and there is ...
Richard Helali
June 24, 2021
I've been an android TV user since 2014... now I use a Nvidia Shield pro (and just bought the newest one) SPECIFICALLY because it doesn't display ads on the home screen like Roku / Amazon Fire Stick. I would HAPPILY pay more for a device with NO ADS. NOW THERE ARE HOMESCREEN ADS. Don't want them, do...
Mike H
June 24, 2021
Updated to now make a third of the screen an advertisement for services. It takes up half the screen when you move past it. I bought an expensive Nvidia Shield that didn't have these ads. I thought Microsoft was bad adding ad panels to the xbox interface but they didn't dare convert a third of the h...
June 16, 2021
i would give this app -5 stars if i could... Let's just talk about the ads... the endless, non-stop, ever-growing amount of ADS! They are insidious. First of all, after EVERY update, "usage stats" is re-enabled. So they can collect data on you. Then they decided to take up 1/3 of the home screen wit...
F Flintstone
June 23, 2021
Forcing ads to occupy the top 1/3 of my TV on the home screen is unacceptable! There no chance I'm subscribing to another streaming service, like AppleTV, simple because you are now scrolling ads across the top of my screen. I chose Android TV on an nVidia Shield a few years ago specifically because...
Shaun Emm
May 6, 2021
Most recent update forcing ads is ridiculous. The TVs we purchased cost thousands of dollars each and are now having essential core functionality changed. Perhaps if the TV was provided to consumers for free, forced advertising might be more palatable. Here is a quick extract which will be of use fo...
Trey Rouse
May 3, 2021
An excellent app in general, and the last update before the advertisement and suggestion update made it pretty much perfect. However, the homescreen ads that were released in a more or less recent update have made it a pain to use. My advice: In some cases it is possible to revert the Android TV Hom...
Curt M
April 28, 2021
This launcher WAS nice to use... until Google filled the entire top banner with ADS! Absolute garbage, I shouldn't be subjected to Google ads on the home screen of my (very expensive) device. Ads that can't be turned off or moved and are all seemingly for content on services that I don't have and do...
May 2, 2021
Screenshots are misleading! Used to love the Android TV home screen, but now the top third of the screen is full of ads, disguised as "staff picks" or some rubbish. Given users PAY for their TV devices - and typically pay a premium for the Android TV functionality, there should at least be an option...
Paul Sullivan
April 30, 2021
Do not buy a tv set with android tv installed, particularly an expensive sony. The top of your screen iwill be a rolling mess of annoying advertisements, and there is no way to opt out. You get to pay full price for a tv, and then google makes money by putting ads in your face every time you turn on...
Edward Johnson
June 4, 2021
The latest update (May21) adds Disney+ recommendations at the top of the home screen that you can't turn off! This is unacceptable, having paid a lot of money for the TV. I should not be forced to see such adverts.
Bastien Menissier
June 24, 2021
This was a great app until the last update, which added a huge ads banner on the Home Screen. It is not possible to disable this in the settings. This is a shame because Android TV was the best OS for Smart TVs until now.
Josh Martin
June 19, 2021
I do not care for ads, i have paid through the nose for applications to avoid ads, i have cut the cord because of ads, i have youtube premium and many other ways to avoid the commercials, now get the hell off my tv or be replaced by other smart tv services, and i will warn all my friends cutting the...
Brad Chase
June 25, 2021
Absolute garbage. What used to be a decent launcher is now one large ad. No thanks, I paid 200$ for a device so I don't have ads. If you want to refund all our costs we paid then fine show all the ads you like! Why do you need more money google?
Chris Thomas
May 7, 2021
I bought and paid hundreds of Euros for a TV. This isn't a free device given to me by Google in exchange that they'll show adverts to me. I paid money for this. So I don't expect to be shown adverts. I don't care if Google is an advertisement company. This isn't hard to understand. So I don't unders...
Seamus Welch
May 24, 2021
I wish there was a way to root the Chromecast w/Google TV, so we can remove ad-filled junk like this and replace it with a GOOD home screen. Too bad I can't return the hardware, cause they pulled a scummy bait-and-switch with this. Apparently you just pay $100 to LEASE Google's hardware? Cause if th...
Riley Brown
May 10, 2021
The screenshots for this app definitely misleading. For the last long while my Android TV has had the top 1/3 dedicated to ads (disguised as "staff picks", "you might like...", etc.). These are ADs as they are for streaming services I don't currently subscribe to, movies I don't own, etc. I HATE tha...
May 7, 2021
The best launcher out there however it has ADs that i cannot turn off, advertise things i either subscribe to or have no interest in and take up the top THIRD of my screen. When i paids 1000s for my TV it didn't come with ads, i've had it for years without ads, and now suddenly i have ads. ADs then ...
Ralph Torchia
June 24, 2021
The ads are just awful. Forcing these on my Nvidia shield is just nonsense. If I paid very little for the hardware I could understand, or if this was always the case, but switching to showing ads after years is just very unscrupulous of Google.
Aidan Macgregor
April 27, 2021
i was willing to try the new UI but IT DOSNT WORK on 2/3 of my devices (mecool km1 & Minix Neo T5) the discover tab never loads just a spinning circle forever!!! its an awful takeover of Home Screen to place ads. only reason i went google over fire TV device (firestick has better UK app support too)...
Kris Bennett
June 24, 2021
The highlights / staff picks should be able to be turned off. I really hate how they advertise things from apps I don't have installed and have absolutely NO interest in.... would be much better if it only showed you suggestions for what you already have installed!
Chad H
June 25, 2021
This new interface is horrible. I don't want your garbage ads shoved to my living room. One of the reasons I paid top dollar for a NVidia shield was to avoid the ads that other devices force on you. Starting to get really tired of Google's BS
Beau Steward
June 23, 2021
The latest update is garbage and has forced me to make a decision: Do I root my shieldtv so I can get what I want, or do I finally jump ship to appletv? The ads update just broke me. I was not a fan of update that forced recommendations, but I could at least customize or even disable that. The ads c...
May 4, 2021
Google now think putting adverts on my screen for things I have no interest in is a good idea. The screenshot is for the old launcher which had no adverts. I'm done with android TV's, I don't pay top dollar for a TV that was working fine only for google to change it up and put adverts on there.
Craig Spreha
May 11, 2021
Turned a newly purchased $3000 Sony OLED into basically a monitor. After Google forced the ads, i disconnected all network connectivity and did a factory reset on the TV. I now use another streaming device. Google knows how bad this was as they are now attacking roku so people can't even use their p...
J Irwin
April 28, 2021
I am totally pissed that this garbage is being dumped on us without an option to turn it off. I paid for my TV, I pay monthly for the apps I subscribe to and that is all I want to show on my Home Screen. Terrible, I wish I could return my TV. I am really starting to hate google.
Joel Thompson
June 22, 2021
I use to like this app, but it now forces ads on the home screen. There is no way to disable it so it's very annoying. As a result this is a one star app.
Casey Flood
June 23, 2021
Forcing ads or recommendations, and no option to disable them, is deplorable. The previous version of the home launcher was tolerable. Now I'm looking for an alternative.
Terren Sweezey
May 6, 2021
I never had an issue with this until now. The ads are too intrusive and is ruining the viewing experience. I wouldn't have commented or rated this but now it's just too much and too annoying to go on without saying something.
Dave L
June 23, 2021
Forced ads on the homescreen now. Really frustrating. The main reason I went with Android TV over Roku or similar was the lack of ads, bait a switch.
Dmitry L
April 29, 2021
This "app" does nothing but shows unwanted and annoying ads on home Sony TV screen, and it's impossible to turn this adware off. So, profanity to Google, profanity to Sony and to all their advertizers. I will not buy another Android TV ever.
Lucas Andion
May 4, 2021
It was nice until Google decided to use 1/3rd of my screen to show non-personalizable ads. Not cool Google. The problem is there are no good alternative TV launchers out there, so I guess they are diggin their own grave.
Harman Gill
April 29, 2021
If I got the TV for free, then sure, ads are fine on the home screen. But I paid for this. The tv is mine. I dont want ads on the home screen. If you want to show me ads, pay me.
Chris Sweet
June 23, 2021
Forces recommendations and ads down your throat on the home screen. Ads in apps are bad enough, frig off with ads on the home screen!!!!!
Joe Johnson
June 22, 2021
Dont force garbage ads for shows on my home page. It pushes half my channels off the screen and i have no way to disable it. Absolutely horrible update.
Mathieu Hubbard
June 13, 2021
All of the sudden I started getting ads for Disney+ content that takes up 50% of my homescreen. I don't even have Disney+, now I need to look into how I can revert these changes or mod my tv
Tom McGrew
June 24, 2021
Total garbage with ads taking up a third of my home screen on my Nvidia Shield TV. I rolled it back after a day. Now if I could just disable auto-updates
Nick Walke
June 23, 2021
Love the middle management flex of a feature that the new ad row is. No one wants the ads. You already harvest all of our data, sell that instead ya greedy bastards.
Andrew Briggs
June 23, 2021
Serviceable launcher ruined by latest update with home-screen banner ads. Third-party launchers now required for the OS, unfortunately.
John Lavallée
May 7, 2021
I'm sure some people enjoy the suggestions and pretty banner at the top. If Google wasn't so cynical as to make it MANDATORY, I wouldn't care. Allow people to customize their experience. Don't be evil.
James Harquail
April 28, 2021
Latest update adds unremovable ads to the front page, I do not have Disney+ nor do I want to see recommendations for that on my home screen. Revert this.
Avi Maharajh
April 29, 2021
I specifically went and uninstalled the Disney+ in hopes it would stop giving me recommendations for it, but no! Why can't I get rid of recommendations?? I don't want it!
Alex Gur-Dudek
May 11, 2021
Just found out this is the reason why my TV suddenly has forced ads. I did not pay for this TV to suddenly force ads and banners on it that I can't remove.
Juan Martin
April 27, 2021
Terrible update to include Ads! I don't have any Disney+ subscription and I don't rent or buy movies on Google Play, so please STOP putting ads to content of those services on my main screen
Randall Harrington
June 24, 2021
Was acceptable before they added forced ads in an update we cannot decline. Annoyingly never had custom wallpaper support either.
Sonya Coakley
April 27, 2021
The latest smart TV update feels like a violation. I did not consent to this forced advertising on my home screen. I do not want recommendations. I do not want ads. I do not want this invasion into my space.
Lucas Kaczmarski
June 22, 2021
ADS take 30% of my SHIELD TV screen. Services I'm not even interested in. DISNEY+?? Trash, I'm leaving this platform.
James L
April 29, 2021
Disappointed that the latest update takes up the 1/3 of screen with ads for streaming services I don't have and shows I'm not interested in that I can't turn off anymore.
R Kirsch
June 24, 2021
NOT YOUR TV ANYMORE. The recent update puts ads on the home screen (and you can't take them off). These ads push Google recommended Pro-Black and Pro-Gay shows from apps you may not have. Each time I put on the TV I have to be reminded of Google's Woke agenda and it makes me sick.
Dmitriy Goryunov
June 25, 2021
Today is the day I started to see ads on the Home Screen. Going the Amazon way - garbage ads everywhere.
Jeff Britt
May 6, 2021
I own a Sony TV with Android TV built in, with the latest updates, I now have ads on my TV Home screen. Complete and utter BS. Really Google?!?! Like you don't already have enough revenue streams already...
June 22, 2021
This is shameful, an update appeared on my Shield TV with advertised content taking up the upper third of my home screen (much of it is propaganda). There's no way to disable.
Christopher Schilb
May 7, 2021
Ads on the homescreen...That cannot be removed. (and dont you dare make me pay a monthly fee to remove them) Enough said.
Joe Archard
May 7, 2021
Absolutely appalling to have Disney ads shoved at the top of our TVs, especially if you have zero intention of using Disney plus..
April 28, 2021
Getting ads on the starting page after the update. I do not want ads this big on a device I"ve paid enough. It is NOT acceptable.
Chris Read
May 4, 2021
This application covers the top two thirds of the screen for services you may not have such as Disney+. Expected better.
May 4, 2021
GARBAGE app - the latest updates have ads EVERYWHERE. The old launcher was so much better, why change it? Terrible decision.
Brad Booms
June 22, 2021
Ad roll in the prime row on the home screen is pretty gross, how do I disable this junk so I don't have to see ads content on streaming apps that I don't even have installed.
Mozes A
April 28, 2021
Unwanted ads... why dont you just make a launcher which people will like and not what you want to sell.
Aristide Mooyaart
May 7, 2021
Wth suddenly my TV has massive ads. Honestly I spent enough on this TV. Pretty sure you can afford to be slightly less money grabbing Google
Trent Curtis
June 24, 2021
New update forces Ads. Remove updates and disable automatic updates to remove the Ads.
Keith Mcgrath
May 23, 2021
This update is terrible. What's with all the Disney + and Google Play adds on the home screen?
Chris Montgomery
May 4, 2021
The top row being uncustomizable is simply unacceptable. I will be replacing this launcher.
Mike O.
June 24, 2021
The anti-consumer trend of shoving ads everywhere they can continues unabated. Enough already.
Mike MzX
May 7, 2021
The ads ruin the experience. Absolutely terrible. What awfulness.
01000010 01100101
May 4, 2021
If I wanted ads on my homescreen, I wouldn't have paid for my devices & gotten a free one.
Sameer Jain
May 7, 2021
This was great until ads are introduced, provide option to disable ads.
b low
May 11, 2021
Why are there ads now? don't recommend - everything else is great, but no ads
Matt Stofko
June 23, 2021
Forcing ads onto my TV just forces me to go buy Apple instead. I can't believe anyone at Google thinks this is a good customer experience.
Jason %
May 7, 2021
Ads suck. Completely ruins the experience. Zero stars.
Marius Friedrichs
April 28, 2021
Those top screen ads for services I don’t own are absolutely ridiculous!
Tamás Millián
June 22, 2021
I did not pay hundreds of pounds for my nvidia shield to have to watch ads at the top of the screen. What the hell is this?
Eric Herr
May 4, 2021
Has turned into bloated, ad-filled nonsense with no ability to opt-out.
Mick From Vic
May 30, 2021
Do not buy a Sony TV as Google runs advertising on your home screen on the latest forced update. "Don't be evil" is a phrase used in Google's corporate code of conduct. What a load of ****. Show The REAL screen, not the one in this picture above. You liars
Frederic St-Pierre
May 7, 2021
Why do I have ads on my $2000 Sony TV? I'm not going to consider Sony or Google TV in the future if you are adding ads on a paid product.
Hippie Truck
April 29, 2021
The new update is horrible!!! Just give us a plain and simple layout.
Ted Dabney
June 25, 2021
Why would you add ads to my home screen??? I don't need your suggestions of what to watch.
Frank Collins
May 7, 2021
Ads, ads, ads; shove your ads.
May 6, 2021
I pay 2.400€ in my new Sony A8 with Android TV and I hate the last update with mega big AD banner.
Max Stober
May 7, 2021

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