Build Audience Before the Product: Here is how

 3 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/build-audience-before-the-product-here-is-how/
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Build Audience Before the Product

Build audience before product.

But how do you do it?

Here’s how I’ve built an audience across channels and grown my startups from 0 to $2 million revenues.

Involves a mix of marketing & writing. 🧵


When building audience on any channel, make personal connections.

Share your personal experiences, stories & learnings vs. company or product updates.

People connect with people, not with lifeless entities or brands.


Channels: • Blog • Newsletter • Social media • Slack channels • Community websites • LinkedIn & Facebook groups


Golden rule: Don’t always share updates or links to your product/content.

Instead: • Talk about the problem • Critique existing solutions • Talk about how you’ll solve the problem • Share product building process & experience • Share launch plan, stats & learnings


How to grow a newsletter

• Define a clear goal for your newsletter ⇒ what value will your subscribers get?

• Be yourself & write like a person would.

• Submit to newsletter directories.

• Publish & distribute your newsletter like a blog.


• Share your newsletter on social media. Not as links, but handcrafted posts.

• Launch your newsletter as a product.

• Make a personal connection with your subscribers: ⇒ Send them a welcome email ⇒ Provide them an easy way to reach out to you.


How to grow a blog

• Focus on SEO from day 1 • Keep a mix of keyword focused & expert content • Write less, distribute more • Distribution channels: Social media, Newsletter, Reddit

Pro-tip: SEO optimise your newsletter issues & publish them as blogs


How to build a Twitter audience

• Be yourself & bring out your own personality.

• Share personal experiences, stories, opinions.

• People should support you, not your company or product.


• People love specifics. Share your secrets – what frameworks you use, what channels worked for you, how you make money & how much.

• Engage with popular accounts. Reply to their tweets sharing your opinions.


• Write consistently. Both your audience & the Twitter algorithm will appreciate this.

• Bookmark tweets you like. Use the underlying idea and share your unique opinion/experience around it.


• Analyse tweets that work, both your own & those of others. Don’t try to find a template but see what idea or emotion worked.


How to build a LinkedIn audience

• Be yourself & bring out your own personality.

• People connect with people. Company, brand or product accounts don’t work.

• Focus on sharing personal experiences & stories vs. company updates


• Share your achievements. People love to celebrate with you.

• Share your failures & learnings.

• Make connections. Interact on other people’s posts. Chat over DMs.

• Write consistently. Both your connections & the LinkedIn algorithm will appreciate this.


How to build an audience on community websites

• Contribute first, market later. Moderators can easily mark you spam.

• Follow the community guidelines. Ex. Sharing your own blog posts rarely (1 out of 10 times) on HackerNews or Reddit.


• Tailor your existing content to the theme of the community. Ex. On some subreddits, users love analysis & breakdowns while on others, personal stories work best.

• Help others & ask for help. Community websites thrive on members who are keen to help each other out.


How to use Slack Channels, LinkedIn & Facebook groups

• Key is to find the right set of groups or channels.

• Contribute to the group. Help others and even reach out to the admins.


• Follow the guidelines. Usually there are specific days or threads where you can market your own content.

• Make connections with people and take the conversations outside of the groups. Connect over email, chat or social media.


About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK