Facebook Shares New Insights into How Users Engage with the Olympic Games [Infog...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-shares-new-insights-into-how-users-engage-with-the-olympic-games/602166/
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Facebook Shares New Insights into How Users Engage with the Olympic Games [Infographic]

Published June 21, 2021
Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

I have been absolutely sure, for so long, that the Olympics will simply not go ahead. After the event was postponed last year due to COVID-19, host nation Japan has been dealing with various outbreaks and resurgences of the virus, and it has seemed like it just can't happen, that top-level athletes will be hesitant to travel, that COVID has effectively taken one more thing away as it moves along on its destructive path.

But as the event draws closer, it does indeed seem that we will have an Olympic Games in 2021. Which is a positive for event organizers, and the athletes that have trained for years for the event, while it will also give us spectators a reason to celebrate, and come together, as we work closer to an end to the global pandemic.

Which will also open up new considerations for marketing tie-ins and events linked back to the global event. If you're considering your options in this respect, then this graphic is for you - Facebook IQ recently put together a new overview of engagement insights based on previous Olympic Games, which could help you prepare your campaigns to align with these trends.

The below listing highlights the key moments of Games past, the top trends, and Facebook's predictions as to what will happen this time around.

You can read Facebook's full report here, or check out the infographic summary below.

Facebook Olympic trends overview

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