How to check the Health Status of Visual Studio Services? - Daily .NET Tips

 3 years ago
source link: https://dailydotnettips.com/how-to-check-the-health-status-of-visual-studio-services/
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How to check the Health Status of Visual Studio Services?

You can instantly check the health status of Visual Studio Services from the Visual Studio Service Status Page, which can be navigated directly from Visual Studio. Visual Studio is backed by several services that keep sync user settings between different systems. Also, several services include feedback, marketplace, roaming services, and intellicode service. Visual Studio talked to these services as and when need. These services also get updates, get periodic maintenance, and get into unplanned downtime. The Visual Studio Services Status provides geographical health status for each service that Visual Studio is using.

Visual Studio has integration with following backend services and all these services are hosted on four geographical regions majorly.

List of Services

  • Feedback
  • Identity / Sign in
  • IntelliCode
  • Licensing
  • Live Share
  • Marketplace
  • Roaming

Health Status of Visual Studio Services

Firstly, To check the health status of Visual Studio Services, navigate to Help > Check Service Status

Check Services StatusCheck Services Status from Visual Studio

This will bring up the Visual Studio Service Status Page. Here you can check the service status for every region. Move to the History Tab to check the history of any of the services,

Visual Studio Service StatusVisual Studio Services Status

Following are the key status of Services

  • Healthy
  • Advisory
  • Degraded
  • Unhealthy
  • Not Applicable

You can move the recent updates section to check all the changes / updates on the services.

Visual Studio Services Status Recent UpdatesVisual Studio Services Status Recent Updates

So in case if you are struggling to use any of the services, which is very unlikely as these services are running at scale to support millions of developers across the globe, you still go and check if there were any updates, maintenance, and downtime.

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Azure Services Status Check

You probably experience these with other Microsoft Technologies Platform, including Azure. Azure Service Health Status Page provides general You can search for specific services or for any specific regions to determine the health status of services for that specific region.  Also, Azure Service Health provides a customizable dashboard that tracks the health of your Azure services for the specific subscription and for regions where we use them. Let’s have a look at both approaches for monitoring Azure service’s health. status information of any Azure Services

Read the Complete Post: How to instantly check the health of your Azure services?

Azure Services StatusAzure Services Status

Azure DevOps Services Status Check

Similarly, you check the service status for Azure DevOps as well. Azure DevOps Services Status Page can instantly check and update you on the health of your Azure DevOps Services. This website provides the downtime information of any Azure DevOps Services in case there are any slowdown and stability issues.

Read Complete Post Here : Azure DevOps Services Status Check

Azure DevOps Services StatusAzure DevOps Services Status

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