Sci-Fi Action RPG ELEX Is Getting a Sequel in 2021

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/sci-fi-action-rpg-elex-is-getting-a-sequel-in-2021-533228.shtml
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The game is in development for PC and consoles

THQ Nordic and Piranha Bytes have taken the wraps off of their next project: ELEX II. The sequel to the sci-fi action RPG launched back in 2017 promises to improve on the original by giving players unprecedented freedom to explore the world.

Coming from the developers behind the Gothic and Risen series, ELEX II returns to the post-apocalyptic sci-fi world of Magalan, which players will now be able to explore with the unrivaled freedom of a jetpack.

ELEX II kicks off several years after Jax, the protagonist of the series, defeated the Hybrid. Unfortunately, a new threat is now roaming the lands of Magalan, so Jax is once again forced to try to convince the faction to unite against the invaders.

Besides being able to freely explore the planet of Magalan using the jetpack, players will now be able to interact with a lived-in world, full of unique NPCs who will remember what they've done and react accordingly.

Basically, we're promised a more reactive game in which NPCs will join or leave your group based on your behavior. Moreover, players will be able to kill NPCs, which will affect the story. Speaking of story, developers also mention that the player's actions will have consequences, something that should theoretically improve immersion.

Those who didn't play the original don't know that the combat system was the worst part of ELEX. Now, the folks at Piranha Bytes claim that we'll be able to “engage in fluid close and ranged combat with a massively improved control system.”

Unfortunately, ELEX II doesn't have a release date yet, but publisher THQ Nordic outed a cinematic gameplay trailer and several screenshots. We also know the game is in development for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. ELEX II can now be wishlisted on Steam.

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