My office is above ground floor, but I can see the security camera from where I...

 3 years ago
source link: https://twitter.com/IanCutress/status/1405887217650778118
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i love these headphones but they really need a 90 degree USB-C cable for the DAC
(also yes i need to clean up my office, shut up)

(a) but how do you hear the doorbell for packages

(b) your office looks bigger than mine

A) doorbell pings my phone, plus my office is the front of the house, those windows next to me are the front lawn so I see the person walking up in my periphery.

B) its about 3mx3.5m

This is actually a requirement for houses for me ^ Working from home having a office at the front door is perfect. This is how I once saw a FedEx driver pull up, mark my package as failed to deliver, then drive off.
My office is above ground floor, but I can see the security camera from where I sit. The only issue is that I don't hear the doorbell sometimes when I'm testing things and fans are going.
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